We decided over a year ago that programmatic advertisements and banners are not the future of online publishing. Since then, the Shacknews development team has been working on ways to implement a subscription service that would offer a value while helping to keep the lights on. I am so happy to unveil the latest iteration of Shacknews’ native subscription service.
Why not Patreon?
Shacknews is not a charity, and we don’t need to go to our readers with our hats in our hands asking for money to create specific content. We went a whole year without ad revenue, and we released all sorts of great articles, guides, long reads, and videos. This is a business, and we believe we can do our own thing with higher margins and a better user experience for our loyal Shacknews community.
It’s time to get Mega

New Shacknews Mercury is launching with four tiers:
Mercury Mega ($1/month, $10/year)
- No Advertisements
- Download Access to Long Reads
- Mercury Mega Lightning Bolt Emblem on the Chatty
Mercury Super Mega ($50/year)
- No Advertisements
- 1 Limited Edition Shacknews T-Shirt delivered annually
- Download Access to Long Reads
- Mercury Super Mega Lightning Bolt Emblem on the Chatty
Mercury Ultra Mega ($100/year)
- No Advertisement
- 1 Limited Edition Shacknews T-Shirt delivered annually
- 1 Shacknews Hoodie delivered annually
- Download Access to Long Reads
- Mercury Ultra Mega Lightning Bolt Emblem on the Chatty
Mercury Ludicrous ($1000/year)
- No Advertisement
- 1 Limited Edition Shacknews T-Shirt delivered annually
- 1 Shacknews Hoodie delivered annually
- Download Access to Long Reads
- Mercury Ludicrous Lightning Bolt Emblem on the Chatty
- 2 VIP tickets to an annual Shacknews Special Event
Shackers can gift each other subscriptions by purchasing and sending Mercury codes for redemption. This will also allow for users to stack subscription payments.
Additional Shacknews.com June 2019 Update Patch Notes
Here are some other features we have added to the site with today’s update:
LOL Script Integration

Thanks to the help of ThomW, Shacknews has integrated the 12-year-old LOL Script into our website. We look forward to improving the gamification of our site and the integration of the LOL Page is the first step.
Improved Login OAuth with Social Integration
Shackers can now link accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Steam, Battle net, Github, and Google. This will improve the onboarding process for new users, and also sets Shacknews up for our upcoming projects.
GDPR Compliance - Delete Account function
Shackers now have the right to be forgotten. Any shacknews.com user can now go into user settings and delete their account. This will also delete their entire post history. You can thank the European Union for this new feature. Shackers should beware of the delete account function, because once you confirm deletion, your account and post history will be gone forever. No need to message Duke Nuked, the right to be forgotten is in the hands of our users now.
Shacknews Chatty Search repaired
We have moved the Chatty over to a new AWS server and have a brand new SOLR search that actually works. Thanks to Shackers for their patience as we fixed this very important feature.
With completion of Phase 2 of our Shacknews redesign, we will be shifting our focus to our next projects. The dev team will be watching for community feedback and addressing bugs as needed. Please understand. If you like what we are doing, please consider signing up for Shacknews Mercury today. Do it for Shacknews!
Asif Khan posted a new article, Shacknews Mercury subscription service relaunches
So that's why you INF'd this post
https://www.shacknews.com/chatty?id=38286987#item_38286987 -
Had a bit of an issue signing up, but was able to get it to work eventually. The first page seems to be the pick a plan page, but if you try to submit that before the credit card info, it spits out an error. Then I also got an error saying something like 'customer doesn't exist' when initially submitting the card info, but it eventually worked, and then I could go back and choose a plan.
I did not notice it asked for a postal code beside the credit card info as well
Wow! I just logged on to Shacknews and saw the web site updates... Asif you where right Shacknews really is the best Website on the internet \m/ :) \m/
Awesome Man! Got to say a massive thank you and to all of Shacknews staff + others involved for keeping the love toward Shacknews + Chatty and for making it happen.
Feels Good Man + I love Shacknews 4L|F3 + Let's GO!!!!!!! :) -
This is because your param:customer_id] is nil and stripe could not determine / prepare the URL to invoke the stripe server.
You need to make sure the param:customer_id] is not nil]q
thanks tips :P -
ShackCon Returns!
I recommend doing something this October at the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland, Oregon where the Tetris World Championships happen. That's set for October 18-20. We can make it a Shackmeet through town with all its awesome breweries and food places.
Heh. Fair warning. If you already have your credit card saved, there is no confirmation dialog when you click "Purchase Code" on the gifting page. I am now an Ultra Mega subscriber AND I control an Ultra Mega gift code. Hopefully I'll remember to give it to myself next year. Or maybe one of you sexy bastards will get it if I'm feeling generous.
Improvement request:
lol page should have better page navigation
display at least 5 pages at a time... this should display
FirstPage ... Previous ... [19][20][21][22][23] ... LastPage
also, the ellipsis are superfluous, which is funny given the definition of ellipsis
the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues. -
the tag pills on the front page are kind of weird too. maybe no background color at all would be better? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The 'house', 'moderator', and 'mercury' (and other types of these) icons should have their link tags include 'target="_blank"', so if they are clicked, the page opens in a new tab/window, so your place in the chatty isn't lost.
Those same icons should have the title attribute set to be the same as alt attribute.
The moderator alt / title text should be something like 'This person is a moderator', TMBWTB's icon's alt / title should be different as well ('This person has ham sandwiches'?)
Adjust the icons or line sone so that all one line version of posts (those with and without icons) are the same height. The .oneline div is 16 pixels high on my Chrome when there are no icons, but 18 when there are icons. The spans for the actual text and user name and icons are all 15 pixels, but I'm assuming the vertical alignment on the image is increasing the line height.
Will the toggle theme be coming to the chatty, or is that for a future phase?
This above are just nit-picks. I really like the changes. Lol counts integrated into the site has been long overdue (Thanks ThomW for the hard work developing / supporting LOL counts up until now!)!-
Well, they have urls that users post open in a new window instead of replacing the chatty page.
To me, the chatty page feels like an application, and I don't want an errant click removing my state of where I was in the chatty. Pressing back in this case loses state for me as I have Chrome Shack highlight unread posts, which would have no posts highlighted if I go to another page and come back.
Also, why are those icons even links if they are just supposed to tag someone as a long time user or as a moderator or whatever?-
basically, If I mis-click on a one line post to expand it , and accidentally click on a 'house' from the line above or below the post I was trying to click on, losing my place the chatty (expanded posts, etc) to me is rather bad for a adding a link that seemingly has no purpose (there are other ways of seeing a user's post history).
Additional Suggestions:
On the new Lol page, for long posts, can the text of the post be truncated, but the names of the people that clicked lol be shown fully? Or doe sthe expand button only show if the loler list is long? If so have it not show the expand button on the user list until that list is 3 lines long. Currently, it is showing for me when there is a second line on names, but the expand button itself is adding more height to the list of users than the second line of names. (clicking the expand button actually make the list on dame shorter when there are only two lines of names, as but expand button is taller than two lines).
The 'ever funny' should have a one line explanation under the tab but above the results. Something to the effect of 'Were you ever funny today?".
Clicking on 'hot threads' removes the selection of a particular tag (as it sums all tags). However, clicking off of 'Hot threads' to any other tab doesn't restore the tag you previously had selected (for example, inf), instead it always default back to 'lol'.
The 'User Stats' tab should not be named that, as it has no stats when first clicked. It should be named something like 'Your Tags' or 'User's Tags'.
If on the 'users stats' 'lol'd by' tab and there is an 'expand' button for the list of users that tags a post, click the expand button does nothing (button remains).
The 'totals' section under 'user stats' should be called 'user stats'
On the Lols / Tags pages, sometime the word 'Lols' is used to refer to all tags, but in other places the work 'Tags' is used. For example, on the 'users stats' 'lol'd by' tab, there is the text "Here are the most recent [lol]s by this user:", however, next to each post, the text "<number> tags" appears. This should be standardized, I would suggest standardizing to 'tags', while the whole feature could still be called 'lols'
I sure see a lot of lightning icons! https://media.giphy.com/media/9K2nFglCAQClO/giphy.gif
Whitelist the Shack in your as blocker. That was the call a few months ago.
I've never been so happy I did.
You know what would be cool for us Mercury subs, if the front page also removed the add columns(LFT & RHT) and was the full width just like Chatty. [ Q ] are you guys going to add that feature and make the front page the full width just like chatty?
I visit the front page every day and would really love to see it the full width when I read the news on Chrome, TIA \m/ :) \m/-
No(and have no idea what that is), I am a complete weirdo and have no scripts or extensions running on Google Chrome(I refuse to run them, my browser is 100% stock). Today is the very first day I am able to use the LOL stuff!!!!!!! Feel so damn Good Man! \m/ :) \m/ , almost like I have been reborn!
Personal I love it, reminds me of this every time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmXsYfXqJNM&t=0m26s I am going to use it like crazy and like a Mad Lad :)
lol button looks terrible on mobile
https://i.boring.host/17G5CnfV.png -