Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 19 lols
    By: ShXIII
    Homeownership (long story): Last week we came home and found our downstairs area was a complete mess, naturally we yelled at the cat because he is a very ba’boy and likes to get into shit. Fast forward an hour later and we realized that there were small, what we assumed, mouse droppings everywhere down there so we figured the cat was chasing it around. We have never had a rodent issue before with the exception of a couple random animals in the past (lived here since 2013) so I was confused as to how the hell it even got into our house. So, I checked the security cameras which showed our cat Thaddues aka Mr. Moe, aka PoopPaw and many more, stalking our chimney and exhaust pipe from our propane fireplace. Red squirrel comes flying out the back of the fireplace and the chaos begins. Cat chased it around for a good 10 minutes but it was the red squirrel that caused the mess, it knocked all my wife’s crafting stuff on the floor and a tone of other shit. Eventually the Mighty Yion Cub known as Thaddeus had enough, realized it was past nap time and went to go sweepy.

    WHERE THE FUCK IS THE RED SQUIRREL NOW!!! I knew it was still down in the crafting\workout\drum set area and went looking. Found the little asshole hiding in a box of crafting stuff. Now I get to chase it around for a good 5 minutes watching this little bastard bounce off my bass drum head first about 10 times, pretty good rhythm, and smack itself into my deadlift bar before it “clicked” to open the windows and let it find itself out. 5 seconds later it was out the window and gone. I stood there kind of sad and dissatisfied because I really want to catch it and kill it, in the most humane way possible…anger and RAGGGEEEE.

    Now I’m wondering how it got down our chimney and back up through the exhaust pipe of the fireplace. Break out the ladder, I don’t do heights very well, get on the roof with shaky legs and realize we don’t have a chimney cap. I thought we did, swore we did, but there are no signs of one ever being installed.

    So, in conclusion, we apologized to Thaddeus gave him some beef squeezies as a peace offering and I completed the added DLC of this whole charade and got a new chimney cap installed this morning.

    The mighty hunter himself
  • 13 lols
    By: WhoaEagleRay
    Somehow Christ returned
  • 12 lols
    By: i38warhawk
    Ah, Chatty on Shacknews, where the ghosts of dial-up past still linger and the threads feel like they're stuck in a time loop from 2001. It's like Reddit's awkward cousin who still thinks the coolest thing is a 640x480 Doom screenshot. The hot takes are so lukewarm they could double as room temperature coffee, and the memes... well, let’s just say they’re the kind of memes that make you question if people there even know the internet moved on.

    And the gaming debates? They're like watching the world's most low-energy cage match, where everyone is either too nostalgic or too salty to realize no one else cares that much about their take on Half-Life 2 vs. Halo. It’s endearing in the same way that VHS tapes are—you appreciate the history, but at this point, we’ve all moved on to streaming.

    But hey, if you need a place where a post about an obscure 90s game mod will actually get more than zero replies, Chatty’s got your back. Just don’t expect it to be... you know, relevant.

  • 10 lols
    By: mXENO

  • 10 lols
    By: aldraek
    I went to the source and had it do one for the Chatty:

    "Welcome to the Chatty section of Shacknews, where the conversation flows faster than your internet connection during a patch update! You guys are like a high school cafeteria: full of gossip, drama, and at least one person who takes their lunch way too seriously.

    It’s the only place where someone can go from discussing game mechanics to a heated debate about pineapple on pizza in about three seconds flat. One minute you’re talking about the latest release, and the next, it’s like, “Did you see that meme?!” Congrats, you’ve all achieved peak internet tangents!

    And the hot takes? Wow, you could fuel a small city with the intensity of those opinions! You’ve got more bold claims than a fast-food ad—“This game will change your life!” Spoiler: it’s just a game, and your life is still the same.

    Let’s not ignore the endless inside jokes. It’s like trying to join a secret society where the initiation involves deciphering a thousand memes and a complicated backstory. “Oh, you don’t know what that means? You must be new here!” No, I just haven’t dedicated my life to the ongoing saga of your latest running joke!

    And can we talk about the number of threads? It’s like a never-ending buffet of topics, and you all just keep piling on the toppings! Someone posts about a game, and suddenly it spirals into a discussion about favorite snacks, childhood memories, and the existential dread of adulting. Who knew video game discussions could make me question my entire life?"
  • 9 lols
    By: VictoriouSecret
    A program manager tried to use this as an icebreaker this morning while talking like a pirate. Three people left the meeting immediately.
  • 7 lols
    By: ColoradoCNC
  • 7 lols
    By: Masem
    Dunkey reveals why he's been doing near daily uploads....
  • 7 lols
    By: bill crystals
    Christ is back...and he's pissed!
  • 7 lols
    By: ninjase
    How mobile game companies think we watch their ads
