Love how everyone dances around the core issue - Ms Marvel is a remnant of Woke, but culture has shifted already.
All that Yass Kweeen stuff would have *killed* 3 years ago, but Gen Z is over that stuff.
When Mads Mikelsen laughed at a journo asking about diversity in a Danish period piece, it was clear something had happened.
A Homelander movie would break all records right now.
34 lols
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21 lols
14 lolsElons Musk has made the funniest vehicle in the history of vehicles on this planet -
11 lols
10 lolsit's her job. if you like the vibe maybe find someone who's job it is to go out with you
10 lols
10 lolsI would like to redirect my comment from 10 minutes ago about the dumbest fuckkng shit being said on shacknews.
9 lols