Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 34 lols
    By: Junktown
    Oh. The X stood for extortion.
  • 28 lols
    By: Kub666
    carbon dating
  • 27 lols
    By: FirstPersonCooter
    I’ll tell you when you’re older
  • 25 lols
    By: krym3
    Windows 11 is dogshit.

    Dont do it.

  • 23 lols
    By: TroZ
    There are room temperature semiconductors in your computer right now.
  • 23 lols
    By: Masem
    Musk apparently pushed on corporate accounts to advertise on Twitter at minimum levels or else lose their verified status. And that Twitter would not monitor for fake accounts.
  • 21 lols
    By: Prozium
    My wife (while we were dating in college) was there when I made myself sick over a weekend eating a whole tub of chocolate cake frosting that I only bought because it was discounted 50%.

    She was also there when I tried to eat a whole tub of nacho cheese from Costco. Nachos, chili cheese dogs, etc for a whole week.
  • 16 lols
    By: Sailor of Fortune
    More money/benefits/retirement?
    Better Commute?
    Better Work-Life Balance?
    More promotion opportunity?
    Expanding your resume?
    Job Security?
    Co-workers that recycle?
  • 16 lols
    By: [deleted] 1588644502
  • 14 lols
    By: skinlab133
    Dear Lord in Heaven, I am a simple man. I live a humble and simple life. Some might even say I am a good man. As you know, I have not asked you for much. If you would see fit to bestow upon me this ONE simple gift, I would be forever your most humble servant. All glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, forever and ever. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.