Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 29 infs
    By: phate81
    Recycling is just a way for corporations to push the responsibility of being sustainable down to the consumer. It's their way of absolving themselves of any responsibility whatsoever for trashing the planet.
  • 18 infs
    By: mwasher
    i do not have faith in relationships between people who can't eat whatever the fuck they want in front of each other
  • 14 infs
    By: Junktown
    Oh. The X stood for extortion.
  • 8 infs
    By: dajir
    Man I love Denis Villeneuve

    I'm not telling you guys something you don't know, but I only just recently realized how much.

    When I originally watched Blade Runner 2049 in theaters I thought it was a great movie but maybe a little long. I knew the cinematography was the best I'd ever seen in a film, and I thought the plot did justice to the original film (which I'm a huge fan of) but I still thought it dragged at parts.

    I really just needed more patience.

    After rewatching it on 4k at home just to be dazzled by the glorious visuals I realized the movie was a lot more than I had realized and I fell in love with it. Now I understand it more and I don't feel it drags, I think the pacing is perfect for what the movie is trying to convey. 10/10

    Recently I watched Sicario for the first time, and I know I would have probably looked at the movie differently if my appreciation for this style of pacing hadn't grown through my experience with Blade Runner. What an amazing film, you don't need me to tell you Sicario is a masterpiece. 10/10

    Today I just finished Arrival. This is the second time I've watched it, and it's so god damned good, got chills. I liked it the first time, but this time I went in with full fanboy eyes. I'm self aware enough to realize I can no longer be objective about Denis Villenueve movies, but still it's 10/10.

    I did watch Dune, but it was before I had become a straight up Denis nut hugger. I liked it, but I'm really looking forward to watching it again through rose colored glasses.

  • 8 infs
    By: Borzoi
    PSVR2 port of Alyx seems most likely. That’s the one game you hear people say they would buy that system for.
  • 8 infs
    By: ovrlrd
    Can this platform die already so we can stop talking about this all the time?
  • 7 infs
    By: dopefish
    twitter is valuable for real-world reasons, and digg was not. the only value digg had was the lulz it brought to you. twitter can be used by government agencies to give out valuable, real-time information, it can be used by regular people to get real tech-support from major brands in ways that are otherwise unavailable, and you can find out what your favorite celebrity had for breakfast.

    digg had no real value other than link-aggregation. twitter is a fucking machine that tons of "real world" things hooked into and created actual tangible value with. that's the reason it's so hard to part with. not because of the memes, and that's what Elon is destroying.
  • 7 infs
    By: Conan
    No, we just need to get off the insurance model.

    There's no fixing it; the incentives are inherently perverse.
  • 7 infs
    By: beastrabban
    it's fine. not blowing my socks off with major differences from Win10 but functionally it's just fine.
  • 6 infs
    By: FlatlineDixay
    First room temperature semiconductor:

    That seems like a pretty big deal?