Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 8 unfs
    By: Masem
    SEC passes rules that would require public companies to report security breaches within 4 days, barring those that may impact national security or public safety.
  • 8 unfs
    By: Safe For Work
    Commuted on the $800 BMW today:

    Kept stalling when I left the parking garage. I’d open the throttle and it would slowly die. I think I either didn’t let it warm up enough (manual choke), didn’t switch on the petcock or it’s got a fuel/air/spark issue. Someone chatted me up when I was putting my helmet on so I think I forgot to switch the petcock on… I hope.

    After I pulled over and flipped the knobs and toggles off and on it ran fine. Maybe I accidentally turned the fuel tap off when I thought I was setting it on…

    But I’m not going to be riding it again until I get it in the shop and throw some money at it. The wheel bearings are loose as hell, the front rotors are shot and the throttle cable is super stiff lol.

    Hopping back on my modern bike feels totally different know. More than 2x the power and much wider handlebars.
  • 7 unfs
    By: [deleted] 1068007420
  • 7 unfs
    By: Borzoi
    I didn’t see it posted here but did you know SAG-AFTRA will continue to work with A24 during the strike because they have agreed to all the union’s terms:
  • 7 unfs
    By: metralgia
    Early selfie Saturday. Living my life on my own fucking terms. God bless legal weed.
  • 6 unfs
    By: FlatlineDixay
    First room temperature semiconductor:

    That seems like a pretty big deal?
  • 6 unfs
    By: Masem
    Major US automakers including General Motors, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes and Stellantis, pledge to a 30k plug EV charging network to rival Tesla
  • 6 unfs
    By: dajir
    Man I love Denis Villeneuve

    I'm not telling you guys something you don't know, but I only just recently realized how much.

    When I originally watched Blade Runner 2049 in theaters I thought it was a great movie but maybe a little long. I knew the cinematography was the best I'd ever seen in a film, and I thought the plot did justice to the original film (which I'm a huge fan of) but I still thought it dragged at parts.

    I really just needed more patience.

    After rewatching it on 4k at home just to be dazzled by the glorious visuals I realized the movie was a lot more than I had realized and I fell in love with it. Now I understand it more and I don't feel it drags, I think the pacing is perfect for what the movie is trying to convey. 10/10

    Recently I watched Sicario for the first time, and I know I would have probably looked at the movie differently if my appreciation for this style of pacing hadn't grown through my experience with Blade Runner. What an amazing film, you don't need me to tell you Sicario is a masterpiece. 10/10

    Today I just finished Arrival. This is the second time I've watched it, and it's so god damned good, got chills. I liked it the first time, but this time I went in with full fanboy eyes. I'm self aware enough to realize I can no longer be objective about Denis Villenueve movies, but still it's 10/10.

    I did watch Dune, but it was before I had become a straight up Denis nut hugger. I liked it, but I'm really looking forward to watching it again through rose colored glasses.

  • 4 unfs
    By: Enkidu
    I read the paper. Key takeaways:
    1) synthesis is simple. As in, an amateur with a few thousand dollars in lab equipment and supplies can make LK-99.
    2) bulk synthesis is possible, and source materials are cheap. The paper shows a great big chunk of the stuff just sitting on a table!
    3) the authors really seem like they did their superconducting checks thoroughly. Unless they're straight -up lying, I believe the claims of superconductivity.
    4) LK-99 seems amenable to thin film deposition, which means it could be adapted to modern computer chip design processes quickly

    If this is confirmed (and that will come quickly), LK-99 will absolutely transform the world. It's hard to overstate just how important a room temperature/standard pressure superconducting material is.
  • 4 unfs
    By: skinlab133
    Holy crap, Ratchet & Clank on PC looks and runs incredible. Like, WOW. It's so smooth too. What an outstanding port.