Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 12 awws
    By: Masem
    RIP Sinead O'Connor
  • 8 awws
    By: ConfusedUs

  • 3 awws
    By: aldraek
    Parrot makes a new friend
  • 3 awws
    By: krym3
    Windows 11 is dogshit.

    Dont do it.

  • 3 awws
    By: roushimsx
    Unfortunately, it looks like my Ultima V disks are bad

    Thankfully, I was able to dump some nice, clean, raw images of the disks for one of the top 10 worst games I own: Akira

    It's a real trip being able to just directly load the SCP files in WinUAE to check them out. I've been setting the read retry count to 1000 because I've run into more than a few cases where the last sector in a track has taken 600+ attempts to read. Haven't bothered trying to write them back to the disk to see if that would help; I figure if it's already having issues with weak sectors, it's on borrowed time anyway.

    Pretty small selection done today overall, but really glad to have at least gotten Leaderboard Birdie, Battletech Crescent Hawk's Inception, and Castle Master + The Crypt done

    Gotta find the rest of my AD&D Gold and Silver Box games to see what else is ok. Hopefully Ultima VI is safe, too.
  • 1 awws
    By: sikander
    Politics {{ UFO edition }}

    Congress to examine claims U.S.A. government is harboring alien space craft

  • 1 awws
    By: baconisgod
    RIP Valcan_s :(

    Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart developer Nixxes Software confirmed the game would not support ray tracing on AMD GPUs at launch without providing additional information. With the release of the Adrenalin Edition 23.7.2 driver, however, we have learned more about the matter.

    According to the update notes, "application crash or driver timeout may be observed" while playing the game with ray tracing and Dynamic Resolution Scaling enabled on some AMD GPUs like the Radeon RX 7900 XTX.

    Original post -

    Sorry bud, hope they can patch it quickly :/
  • 1 awws
    By: giganteface
    My wife has ulcerative colitis and ankylosing spondylitis and the drug she was taking, Simponi, isn't working for her anymore, she shits blood constantly (since April) and has a lot of stomach cramping. The doctor prescribed her Xeljanz, but then he said that our insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield, rejected it. He's appealing it, and said it's kind of weird because when they rejected it they didn't put a reason as to why it was rejected. He expects to hear back from them in a week or two. My question is, should I be doing something in the meantime, or should I just wait for him to tell us how it goes? Should I call my insurance myself, or is there some kind of chance I might screw it up somehow? Xeljanz is listed on our insurance plan as covered, just that it requires prior authorization; I assume that whatever the doctor did counts as "prior authorization", and that it was rejected in spite of that.
  • 1 awws
    By: sonicstorm
    "Excuse me, do you have a few minutes to talk about the lord and savior Saint Baroklas?"
  • 1 awws
    By: sticktastic
    Yeah well that's apples and oranges.

    Noone here is altering windows to progress the software. It's just hobbyist confusing themselves as engineers.

    The engineers who are in the field and qualified don't fuck up their windows install 😅