Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 21 infs
    By: mindmann
    No I'm sorry, it needs to be taken with the context that it's being given in. It absolutely is fascist rhetoric.

    Let's set aside that this is a *massive* dogwhistle that has very often accompanied pushes to fascism.

    Let's just take this quote in the context it's given.

    - How dare they say I've got less stake in this country than folks with kids. My life depends on what happens in this country. If the wrong person wins, me and my friends could be excluded from public life. And it's not like we can just move countries. We're all terrified. How fucking dare they say we don't have "skin in the game." Especially since a lot of folks included in the "had kids" group are responsible for many of the policies leading to climate change and rising wealth inequality. Sure seems like they didn't have "a stake" in the long term success of our country.
    - Don't forget they want to revoke marriage rights for queer people, and the same time they're saying "you need to be married to participate in government."
    - it starts with officials, but they've already said they want to give people with children more votes. It's not a slippery slope to say they'd try and restrict votes for other groups. They already want to revoke birthright citizenship. They want" the right sort of people" to have votes.
    - "People who have kids are just inherently more worthy" is just another way to say that groups who don't have kids, or have kids later, are worth less. So, queer folks, women who focus on careers, etc. It's just another way to idolize the "traditional values" lifestyle that many conservatives do. A lifestyle that is often portrayed in comic book simplicity. That women are worth more if they stay at home and have kids.
    - That attack has been used against queer people for *decades*. "You have no place in our society because you can't have kids."

    Taken as a part of the larger conversation, it's a statement that says that you aren't worth as much if you aren't married and have kids. That career women are worth less as people than stay at home moms. That queer people should be shut out from parts of society because "they don't contribute" by having kids. And maybe, those folks shouldn't have as much say in our country.

    It's absolutely fascist rhetoric. And it's fucking sexist as hell considering it juuuuuuust happens to be gaining steam when they're running against a woman. A woman who maybe didn't birth a child, but who has co-parented her step kids. But that isn't worthy in the eyes of the folks using this rhetoric.

    It's really fucking gross and shitty.
  • 14 infs
    By: lee majors
    Not all “states rights” arguments are about the right to discriminate against minorities either. Just all the states rights arguments that have actually been made since before I was born.

    This “skin in the game” is pretty clearly stating that married hetero couples with kids are real Americans and if you aren’t that then you are less of a person and your opinions matter less.
  • 9 infs
    By: Conan
    It absolutely is a line you'll see from fascists and adjacent. It's a mindset that wants to enforce their very specific idea of traditional lifestyles.
  • 8 infs
    By: mr.sleepy
    Holy shit No Mans Sky (with latest update) is still not a good game. They need to hire somebody to re-design the base of that experience so you actually have something to do rather than manage a bunch of items, explore and fuck around with small annoyances and go from place to place wondering where the fuck I can pick stuff up off the ground. I appreciate what Hello Games have done with that game over the years but the entire time it's just a non-game there is legit nothing to it , you are just managing an inventory and doing Factorio-adjacent tasks that don't really add anything to the experience. Looks GOOD though
  • 8 infs
    By: zehh
    Interesting. Not as crazy as I'd have thought.

    TL;DR: MKBHD reviewed a phone ("Escobar") that turned out to be a scam, they were re-skinned iPhones and Samsung flip phones that they sent to reviewers but without the intention of sending them to actual buyers. The whole operation folded, the CEO of the company got arrested, and the FBI showed up asking for information about the company and wanted the phones as evidence. The FBI asked him to keep quiet then, but now say it's cool to talk about it.
  • 7 infs
    By: EvilDolemite
    First it's people without kids, then people without property, then people without money, etc.

    Then eventually people who don't look like the "political ideal".
  • 7 infs
    By: kelerian
    probably for interrupting/take down of drones
  • 6 infs
    By: kikilupo
    What if you have a child but they get killed in a school shooting which will leave you childless, are you allowed to be a political leader then?
  • 6 infs
    By: kikilupo
    Calm Hitlers are still fucking Hitlers.
  • 6 infs
    By: sikander
    Join statement by Australia, Canada, New Zealand

    > The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue

    > The protection of civilians is paramount and a requirement under international humanitarian law

    > Palestinian civilians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas. It must end

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (umm what... is blocked by geofilter)

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon