Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 6 lols
    By: FirstPersonCooter
    Drill a hole in the ceiling right under the drip and put a glass below.

    Then wake up to a nice cool glass of air conditioned water every summer morning!

    Mmm hmm!
  • 6 lols
    By: Amigroe
    Unfortunately in KY the GOP state legislature changed the law and won’t let the governor (a democrat) pick his choice to replace McConnell. He’d have to pick from a group of candidates selected by the state gop executive committee.
  • 6 lols
    By: pulsedrive
    Write what you know they said
  • 5 lols
    By: reelbk
    I would buy the most rad dirt bike
  • 5 lols
    By: Ugly Bob
    My boss, if our office is anything to go by.
  • 5 lols
    He made the ultimate gamer sacrifice and switched to AMD for our sins.
  • 5 lols
    By: ninjase
    BitBoys Oy Glaze3D 2 confirmed
  • 5 lols
    By: phantomnova
    Someone finally found the death note
  • 5 lols
    By: sonicstorm
    "Excuse me, do you have a few minutes to talk about the lord and savior Saint Baroklas?"
  • 5 lols
    By: [deleted] 1588644502