Morning Discussion

How is everyone doing today? There's a change or two in the air, but we're glad to have you guys and gals with us. I think what would kick the day off nicely would an in-chatty contest that everyone can take part in. We know that the Shacknews, it gets you chicks... and if you've noticed the banner at the top of the page, there's that and many more fine quotes. But what other one-line phrases can you suggest that represent Shacknews? Reply here, and to make it fun, one random submitter will win a copy of Savage 2: A Tortured Soul.

One chance for Savage 2 not good enough? Then don't forget you have three more chances with our other, slightly more involved contest for the creative types. So I spent a bit of time with No More Heroes yesterday and continue to really enjoy it. Just made it to the fifth rank, and let me tell you the battle for it was pretty mind blowing. And I also got a gold medal in lawn mowing! :( Oh god, I just played a lawn mowing mini game. Someone hold me.

In the ShackBlog today, we mourn and celebrate lost games:

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From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola