Evening Reading - August 3, 2022

Published , by Morgan Shaver

What a wonderful Wednesday night, and what better way to enjoy it than with our nightly wrap-up… Evening Reading! In our Evening Reading features, we give you a quick and easy way to look over everything posted to the Shacknews site, plus some fun finds from around the net. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in to the Evening Reading for Wednesday, August 3!

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now, other stuff from the internet!

English Cousins



Groovin' to the Phoenix Wright soundtrack.

Stray Animation

Could you imagine if they did an animated adaptation of Stray? It'd be so good!


Those are some rad looking outfits, not gonna lie.

Friendly Message

Have a very happy, peaceful, fun August!

Dream Team

'Dough and 'Tito dream team. 

Hikaru Nara

Yes, yes, and yes.


"There's Wesker baby! Let's go!"

Happy Feet

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Cookin' With Link & Zelda


YouTube Fave Dump

I always look forward to sharing videos here in Evening Reading and today I've got a mixed bag of weird, funny, cool, musical, etc... starting with a small clip (6:35 to 8:23) from the vid above featuring the exact sort of karaoke session I want to have with my friends at least once in my life, just freestylin' and getting way too into it and having a stupid good time.  

Sax Sexiness

Old but still gold, here's a little Sexy Sax Man for your Wednesday evening. 

I'm Sal

"I'm not a bartender anymore... I'm Sal." A true masterpiece.

Peaceful Lofi Beats

A wonderful playlist to help you kick back and relax and de-stress.

Shoutout to Chatty

For recommending this to me in the past because I'm addicted to it now and it never fails to put me in a good mood.

That brings our Evening Reading for Wednesday, August 3, to a close. Before we turn it over to Chatty, we want to take a moment to quickly remind you that if you love what we’ve been doing here at Shacknews and want to show your support, you can do so by subscribing to Shacknews Mercury for as little as $1 a month.

My fluffy goblin Ippo says if you haven't, you should definitely download the Shackpets app. It's free and full of adorable pet pics, Ippo's included!

Now, it’s time to turn it over to Chatty. How was your Wednesday? Watching any cool shows you’d love to recommend, or have some cool internet finds you’d like to share? Drop 'em in the comments!