Dr DisRespect Interview: One Week Before Admitting to Adultery
We talk to Dr. Disrespect one week before he made the announcement that could change the direction of his career.
Dr. Disrespect has made waves among PUBG streamers and players for quite a while, now. This week, he made an announcement tantamount to a tsunami: He'd been unfaithful in his marriage, and would be taking time off to get his personal life in order and re-evaluate his professional goals. We caught up with Dr. Disrespect, who won Trending Gamer at this year's Game Awards, one week before the announcement to chat about his persona, his bulletproof mullet, and other topics.
For more videos, including gameplay and interviews, visit the Shacknews and GamerHub.tv YouTube channels.
Shack Staff posted a new article, Dr DisRespect Interview: One Week Before Admitting to Adultery
You dont know how your moral judgement might be tested when within 1 year you go from average joe to over 1 million followers.
Dude became an internet superstar and had the adoration of thousands daily spamming him for attention. The guy is human, who knows how many fans threw themselves at him. People are human, they make mistakes. We have all had that instinctual urge to just fuck. Besides we dont know the details.
Everyone just wants to sit on their moral high horse from across the country and judge. He probably more women throwing ass per hour at him then you have your entire life. That shit does something to a guy. It fucks you up. You need to be very head strong to temptation. -
"Shit on me all you want, I'm happy (and drunk!)"
Trl:dr: "i have no formal education or moral/ethical qualms about what I do and stumbled my way into success in a position that pays me for doing my part in making the world a shittier place but I'm going around throwing shade other peoples workplace on the issue of the editorial on the front page because I have no self-awareness or shame."
how did I do? I didn’t really want to but I figured since I gave virus shit for his post you are equally if not more deserving (even though I disagree with him on the issue).
The second I saw the GOOG callout I was hoping to God I saw the FNC riposte.
https://media.giphy.com/media/10jKKQKakfdMYM/giphy.gif -
Its amateur as hell, even for a site that struggles with content as it is.
How do you allow something like this to go up next to something as great as the stuff that David Craddock writes? It cheapens everything else on the site.
And, with the amount of time that most people have been around here, we have more than earned the right to call out bs like this.-
Pretty much this. Also: This idea that readers (OK, occasional readers, more often shitposters) of a website shouldn't comment on editorial decisions even if they just now discovered the site for only this one thing is strange
This is like when people go "but they also have this other great journalistic content that is only made possible by this" when anyone thinks a buzzfeed list is shitty and unnecessary - sure they're right, but then what do we get? A situation where no-one is supposed to criticize anything (subjectively ofc) "bad" anyone does, as long as the producers bank rolls something "better" based on the bad.
Good job everyone
If I've been coming to your house for years and feel comfortable enough that when you get a new couch, I'll tell you your couch sucks, especially if you've invited opinion/feedback in the past on other things. What you do with that information is entirely up to you, I would hope though, it would be weighed and considered.
*comfortable enough with you, is what I meant
You know what, pffft, fuck this. I ain't dying on the hill of Popular-Twitch-Guy-Stuck-His-Dick-In-Another-Consenual-Adult-While-Married. I just don't think putting that as a headline is beneficial or bring in the kind of users that will add to the community we want to create.
I mean, I came here in 1999 for Quake, but I stayed for this: http://www.shacknews.com/chatty?id=36541330#item_36541330
Actually, looking back, you get a little weird about negative opinions in general: http://www.shacknews.com/chatty?id=33417973#item_33417973w
Everyone here has absolutely 100% unquestionable right to complain, dissent, question, or otherwise lambast anything and everything they want to. That’s the way an open forum like this works and is exactly why this chatty still continues on being a place we all choose to hang out at to this day.
Are you drunk?
my bad, I had a few too many rum drinks and jumped straight to the easy shitpost
we should absolutely ask more of the shack when they post shit like this, and just saying "step aside, they're a WEBSITE" is crazy
they publish to the internet and we are free to comment. a lot of people think it's insensitive to lump a random 3rd party clip of an interview to his cheating. let's flip the picture and say this guy died? how would it reflect if the post was "interview with a man weeks before he died, you won't BELIEVE what he said!"?
I'm not surprised that you of all people have not the capacity to understand what about a headline like this annoys folks but when even the fucking fox News guy goes "dunno guys maybe that's a bit sleazy" it should give you pause. Its also not the first time the shack has run with some subpar material and thankfully people here have always called it out in the same way they have encouraged quality articles. Owning a site doesn't give you some magical shield against criticism, only a complete and utterly delusional moron would think that it does. So how about you take a good look at the comments and try to figure our why people tend to frown upon this instead?
I have to agree with virus.
How many of you complaining have Mercury? Probably some. All?
How much ownership do you actually think you have over this small slice of a small Website? This community, this conversation board. It's tiny, it's not a factor in ANY business decisions.
You think you're the audience and sole arbiter of what is acceptable on the greater Website, but you're not. We're not. This is an anomaly, a holdover. A vestigial limb that has no modern function.
Chatty is great and there are a lot of great people in there but don't mistake your persistence in posting for free with some sort of stake in the Shacknews.com company. It isn't there and it won't be there.-
Is anyone seriously doing other than just giving their opinion, I mean is anyone demanding anything or acting like they're entitled to control the content, not just comment on it?
Why are you trying to discourage readers of the website (who, sure, are also shitposters on this supposedly worthless vestigial limb of a forum) from commenting on what they they think about content? How little regard does the site really have for user feedback? Have the times requesting reader/user feedback just been for show? -
"Judgement call"? If commenting on an article's angle or content, on an article which has comments enabled, be it from useless shitposters or occasional/first-time readers, is problematic (omg non-target audience judging things), then maybe explicitly have some guidelines banning that, or just not enable comments on the articles on which (apparently) no comments are desired
You're trying to make people who actually care enough to visist (even parts of) this site daily shut up about what they think about content the site posts. It's very, very strange. Have guidelines banning any perceived negative comments on editorial decisions/content, if it's such a problem
really ED? you're making a stand on this?
How much ownership do you actually think you have over this small slice of a small Website?
As much as you.
It's tiny, it's not a factor in ANY business decisions.
No one is claiming otherwise.
You think you're the audience and sole arbiter of what is acceptable on the greater Website, but you're not. We're not. This is an anomaly, a holdover. A vestigial limb that has no modern function.
Ok, then get rid of it.
but don't mistake your persistence in posting for free with some sort of stake in the Shacknews.com company. It isn't there and it won't be there.
Is this a threat? -
lol uh oh i expressed an opinion on an internet forum i guess i'm the sole arbiter of what is acceptable now
or maybe it's okay to have an opinion about what is posted on the site. frankly i'm surprised at how many people are defending this old game awards carpet interview being repurposed as a dig against a guy that publicly admitted wrongdoing. i don't always have to agree with the site content but this was a new low imho. i guess i should keep that to myself
I know who he is though I don't watch him or whatever but I hope he can manage to rescue his relationship. People can screw up and honestly it's up to him and his partner to see if could be repaired. Whining about the shack giving coverage to this is imo like that Simpson comic old man yells at cloud.
Did you read my post? Did you read the article?
This isn’t coverage by the shack. This is a sorry excuse to post a terrible interview from a couple of weeks ago under a clickbait title.
Again, this isn’t some exposition about one of the largest streamers stirring up controversy. It’s a trash news post and they should be ashamed. -
On one hand, we expect quality content because it's our beloved shacknews
On the other hand, if you don't consume this content here, it will be consumed somewhere else. In fact there was already a thread about it, shackers did in fact discuss this.
On another hand, nobody visits the front page anyway and as such, why do ww care?
On a different hand, we're really getting old and salty cranky
how many hands
Lol I tried to view this article.