Cold Comfort god roll - Destiny 2
Get a Cold Comfort god roll ASAP as it might be the best Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2 right now.
Cold Comfort is a brand new Rocket Launcher that drops from the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon in Destiny 2. This Stasis rocket is in the Aggressive Frame archetype, making it already an appealing option, but it is made even more alluring with its truly vicious perks. Farm the dungeon until you get your own Cold Comfort PVE god roll.
PVE – Cold Comfort god roll
Check out our Ghosts of the Deep loot table so you know where you can farm for your own Cold Comfort PVE god roll. The reason you want this rocket is that it’s an Aggressive Frame, which is currently the highest damage dealing type of rocket. Additionally, its final perks offer Explosive Light and Bait and Switch. Here’s what you need.
Cold Comfort - PVE | |
Barrel | Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handling +15) |
Magazine | Impact Casing (Stability +10, Impact damage +10 percent) |
Perk 1 | Envious Assassin (Rapidly defeating targets with other weapons before drawing this one transfers ammo to the magazine from reserves. This effect can overflow the magazine based on the number of targets defeated.) |
Perk 2 | Bait and Switch (Deal damage with all equipped weapons within a short time to give this weapon a damage boost.) |
Origin Trait | Restoration Ritual (Reviving allies or defeating combatants with finishers reloads this weapon and readies an emergency reload for the next time this weapon runs out of ammo.) |
Masterwork | Reload Speed +10 |
Mod | Boss Spec |
Quick Launch and Impact Casing, as you know, are two perks that will boost Cold Comfort’s Velocity, Stability, and Handling. Velocity ensures the rocket gets to the target quickly while Handling makes swapping to it and readying it faster.
The perk selection is where things get exciting. Start with Envious Assassin. This perk is a different take on Ambitious Assassin, overflowing the magazine based on kills you get with other weapons. Basically, get kills with your other weapons and you’ll have two rockets ready to go.
Source: D2Foundry
The second perk you want is Bait and Switch. Hit the boss with your Primary, Secondary, and Power weapon and then for the next 10 seconds subsequent rockets will receive a 35 percent damage increase. This stacks with other damage boosts like Boss Spec, Well of Radiance, Stasis Surge mods, and debuffs like Tractor Cannon.
On top of this, Restoration Ritual is laughable with how powerful it is. If you get a finisher on any enemy or revive an ally, it reloads your weapon and then prepares a secondary shot. This means you can prepare two rockets with Envious Assassin, fire them off, get a finisher on a Thrall in the Ghosts of the Deep boss fight, and have two more rockets in the tube. Alternatively, overflowing the magazine with Envious Assassin and then getting a finisher will result in having three rockets to fire before you need to reload.
If you’re struggling to hit a moving target with the rocket, consider looking for one with Tracking Module and Bait and Switch instead. A decent runner up perk in the final column is Explosive Light.
PVP – Cold Comfort god roll
For a Crucible or Trials god roll, the Cold Comfort you want will focus heavily on Velocity and Blast Radius. It’s not as nutty in PVP as it is in PVE, but it’s still decent.
Cold Comfort - PVP | |
Barrel | Volatile Launch (+15 Blast Radius, -5 Velocity, -5 Handling) |
Magazine | Black Powder (+5 Blast Radius, -10 Stability) |
Perk 1 | Impulse Amplifier (Massively increases projectile velocity, increases reload speed.) |
Perk 2 | Cluster Bomb (Rockets spawn cluster bombs upon detonation.) |
Origin Trait | Restoration Ritual (Reviving allies or defeating combatants with finishers reloads this weapon and readies an emergency reload for the next time this weapon runs out of ammo.) |
Masterwork | Blast Radius +10 |
Mod | Quick Access Sling (Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.) |
Cold Comfort can’t hit the same Blast Radius as BrayTech Osprey, but it’s nothing to sneeze at. Look for Volatile Launch and Black Powder. Even though these reduce Velocity, Stability, and Handling, you can make up ground here in the perk selection.
Source: D2Foundry
Try to get one with Impulse Amplifier as it increases the projectile speed by 35 percent. For the second perk, Cluster Bombs is a great area denial choice as is Explosive Light if you can nab an Orb of Power. Look for a Blast Radius Masterwork and throw on Quick Access Sling to complete the setup.
A Cold Comfort god roll could potentially be the best Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2 as of Season of the Deep. Its perk pool offers the excellent Bait and Switch while its Origin Trait is incredibly powerful. Get this one if you can. Read over our Destiny 2 Guide for a wealth of other weapon god rolls.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Cold Comfort god roll - Destiny 2