All Savathun's Eyes locations - Destiny 2
Where to find all 50 Savathun's Eyes for the Hive-God Optometrist Triumph in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals.
The Hive-God Optometrist Triumph in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals has players find and destroy all 50 of Savathûn's Eyes. These Eyes are hidden around five key locations and look like bright blue marbles. Finding them all is going to be tough, as some are well-hidden, but for those chasing the Arrivals Seal, destroying them all is going to be a top priority.
Last updated on July 7, 2020 at 11:15 p.m. EST.
All Savathûn's Eyes locations
To destroy all 50 Savathun's Eyes, you will need to unlock the Ruinous Effigy Exotic Trace Rifle. When you have the weapon, you can begin hunting down these blue orbs. Depending on your skill level, all of these Eyes are possible to get while playing solo. In saying this, consider taking a Fireteam with you for the Eyes in the Prophecy dungeon.
Without Ruinous Effigy, these blue marbles will be “immune”. Credit to the community over at Raid Secrets for originally finding all 50 of Savathun's Eyes.
You can use the following links to jump to the appropriate section:
Titan – Savathûn's Eyes
There are 10 Savathûn's Eyes to find on Titan. A few of these Eyes are in the far reaches of the area, so expect to spend some time running around the map.

The first of Savathûn's Eyes on Titan you should get is in the Arboretum, far in the east of the area past the Solarium. As you enter the Solarium’s main room, go left and follow the path along until the Arboretum loading zone appears. Step through the door and look up to the left, the eye is on a little balcony overlooking the area.
Festering Halls

The next eye on Titan is in the Festering Halls, again, past the Solarium. When you reach the Solarium’s main room, go right and follow the hallway to where you must jump down into the next area. Jump down and look above the door to find the eye.
Siren’s Watch 1

The first Savathûn's Eye in Siren’s Watch is just past Sloane. From the fast travel point, go right and through Sloane’s room. As you go through the door, turn left to see the eye floating in the corner.
Siren’s Watch 2

The second Savathûn's Eye in Siren’s Watch is high between two buildings. As you spawn at the fast travel point, turn to the left and look for the building with 01-02 on it, you will need to go under this building and into the alleyway. Look up to see the eye near some catwalks.
Sinking Docks

Another eye is in the Sinking Docks area, to the west of Siren’s Watch. To reach this, start at the fast travel point and head right. Go through the building near the edge of the area and cross the broken bridge tunnel. As you come out the other side, turn right to face a large window, the eye is above said window.
Methane Flush

This Savathûn's Eye is in the Methane Flush Lost Sector on Titan. Fight through the Lost Sector to the first time you see the boss, in the room with the Shriekers. Look up to the yellow canisters in the ceiling to spot the eye tucked behind the grating.
The Rig 1

The first eye in The Rig is inside the room where the Witches' Ritual public event takes place. From the fast travel point, go into the room in front of you and look up at the roof across from the entrance. The eye is at the top of the room.
DS Quarters-2

Another eye is in the DS Quarters-2 Lost Sector on Titan. Start at the Rig fast travel point and go inside the building in front of you (this is where the Witches' Ritual public event happens). Cut across the room and instead of going outside through the opposite door, follow the path around to the left. Following this path leads to a set of stairs going down into the Lost Sector. Fight through the Lost Sector until you reach the hallway that’s blocked by crates. Jump over the crates and take the door on your right to find the eye on your right.
The Rig 2

This next eye on The Rig is right before the Cargo Bay 3 Lost Sector. From the fast travel point, go left and jump over the edge and onto the catwalk below. The eye is floating near some air ducts.
Cargo Bay 3

This Savathûn's Eye is found in the Cargo Bay 3 Lost Sector on Titan. Start at the fast travel point on The Rig and go left toward the railing. Jump over the railing and onto the catwalk below. Head through the door, go down the stairwell, crouch-walk through the tunnel and you will be in Cargo Bay 3. Enter the Lost Sector proper and look above the door way to spot the eye.
Io – Savathûn's Eyes
There are 15 Savathûn's Eyes to find on Io. The majority are pretty easy to locate with the most challenging ones residing in The Whisper mission. If you haven’t already, now might be a good time to unlock the Whisper of the Worm.
Giant’s Scar

From the Giant’s Scar fast travel point, go through the fortress wall and into the next area with the excavator. Look up high under one of the supporting struts to spot the eye.
Excavation Site II

Start at the Giant’s Scar and go through the fortress wall and keep right. Enter into the cavern system and follow it through to the room with the big generator lying on its side. The eye is above the door you use to enter the room.
Terrabase Charon

To find this Savathûn's Eye, head into Terrabase Charon, which is accessed via the Giant’s Scar fast travel point. Cut across the Giant’s Scar, under the excavator, and through the tunnel. You will come out into a central arena filled with Taken and a sunken area in the middle. The eye is tucked beside a ramp.
The Wraith Mines

Another eye is found in the Wraith Mines on Io. To get here, start at the Giant’s Scar and cut across the excavator area and head through the Terrabase Charon tunnels. When you reach the open central area, follow the path up to the right and go inside the mines. Continue down this tunnel to reach a central room with a drill hanging in the center, the eye is on the right of the door you walked through.
Lost Oasis 1

Use the Lost Oasis fast travel point and immediately turn right. The eye is up high on the rocky wall near the cliff’s edge.
Lost Oasis 2

The next eye in Lost Oasis is in the ravine tucked in a tree root. From the fast travel point, go straight and slightly left. Take the right-hand turn into the chasm below the giant tree and look up. The eye is in a kind of knot of trees.
Sanctum of Bones

This eye is found in the main room of the Sanctum of Bones Lost Sector. As you enter the area where the path spirals up, look above the entrance. You may need to go up the ramp a bit to see the eye.
The Rupture 1

The first eye in the Rupture is right above Ashir. Use the fast travel point and turn to your right to find it on the spine.
The Rupture 2

The second of Savathûn's Eyes in the Rupture is towards the south of the map, near the Aphix Conduit Lost Sector. Go up one of the ramps and turn around to see the eye tucked in some of the Vex blocks.
Aphix Conduit

Another of Savathûn's Eyes can be found in the Aphix Conduit Lost Sector. This Lost Sector is in the south of the Rupture. Go into the Lost Sector and look above the Hydra boss to see the eye.
The Whisper 1

There are five of Savathûn's Eyes in the Whisper mission. To start this mission, open the map of Io and select the blue banner near The Rupture. The first of five eyes is right at the start of the mission (once you jump up, destroy the Blight blocking the way, and actually get into the right area). After you cross the first jump in the room, look for the next room with the red glow, the eye is right in front of you.
The Whisper 2

The second eye is in the section of the Whisper with the snipers, pushy bursts, and the angled beams. Before you jump out across the gap, look to the left to find the eye.
The Whisper 3

The third eye in The Whisper is in the green room where you must climb up around the walls to progress. The eye is under the sphere that’s sitting in the middle of the room.
The Whisper 4

The fourth eye in The Whisper is found in the shortcut in the green room. As you enter the green room, turn around and crouch or slide below the steps to get into a little nook. The eye will be on your left around the corner.
The Whisper 5

The last eye in The Whisper is above the Vex gate. This room is immediately after the green room. Instead of jumping out to the left and wrapping around the thin curving path, jump out to the right and follow the blocky path. The eye is floating far above the Vex gate.
Mercury – Savathûn's Eyes
Mercury is home to 10 of Savathûn's Eyes. The only two Eyes that are tough to get are in the far towers which are only accessible during the Public Event.

The first of Savathûn's Eyes is inside the Lighthouse proper. Enter the Lighthouse and run across the room to the rear window. Look up at the roof to see the eye tucked away.
Mercury 1

This next Savathûn's Eye is to the right of the spawn point, up in the branches of a tree.
Mercury 2

Another of the eyes is being held by one of the large Vex statues around the center. Go around the center towards the entrance to the Infinite Forest to find it.
Mercury 3

This eye is to the left of spawn, down beside a sphere near the edge of the area.
Mercury 4

This Savathûn's Eye is only available during the public event. To find the eye, travel to the tower on the left when facing the Infinite Forest and look in the left corner of the roof.
Mercury 5

As with the previous eye, this one is only available during the public event. Go to the tower on the right when facing the Infinite Forest, kill the Hydra, and then destroy the diamonds to make the platforms appear. Work your way to the top to find the eye.
Pariah’s Refuge 1

The first of the four Savathûn's Eyes in the Pariah’s Refuge Lost Sector on Mercury is in the first room, tucked up into the sphere.
Pariah’s Refuge 2

The second eye in the Pariah’s Refuge Lost Sector is in the second room, on the right-hand side.
Pariah’s Refuge 3

The third eye is in the final room in Pariah’s Refuge. As you enter the boss room, stand in the middle and turn around to look up at the balcony. The eye is on the left-hand side.
Pariah’s Refuge 4

The final eye is also in the last room in Pariah’s Refuge. Enter the boss room and jump up to the center area. Turn around and look up at the balcony to spot the eye on the right-hand side.
Mars – Savathûn's Eyes
Mars has 10 Savathûn's Eyes to collect and all of them are easy to spot.
Braytech Futurescape 1

The first of Savathûn's Eyes can be found in the Braytech Futurescape area, to the left of the fast travel point. Go left and look for the eye up in the corner of the building.
Braytech Futurescape 2

The next eye in Braytech Futurescape is in the room with Ana, right above her in the corner.
Aurora Reach

The eye in Aurora Reach on Mars is found by going through the Braytech Futurescape building where Ana resides. As you go out into the open balcony area, look left and around the building to spot the eye.
Mindlab: Rasputin

The Savathûn's Eye in the Mindlab: Rasputin area is reached via the Braytech Futurescape. Go through the building and follow the main path to Rasputin’s huge diamond. The eye is right before the locked door into Rasputin.
Core Terminus

Another of Savathûn's Eyes can be found in the Core Terminus Lost Sector in the Braytech Futurescape area. The eye is found right before the boss room, above one of the wall-mounted monitors.
Glacial Drift 1

The first eye in the Glacial Drift is to the right of the fast travel point. Head right, as if you were using the tunnel to reach the Braytech Futurescape area, to find the eye above the doorway.
Glacial Drift 2

The second eye in the Glacial Drift is to the left of the spawn point. Head up the hill to where the tracks end and go inside the little building. The eye is hiding around the corner.
Ma’adim Subterrane

This Savathûn's Eye is in the Ma’adim Subterrane Lost Sector in the Glacial Drift on Mars. Fight through to the boss room and look up at the hole in the wall to spot the eye.
Alton Dynamo

The Savathûn's Eye in Alton Dynamo is found in one of the final rooms. To access this eye, start at Glacial Drift and head left, up the Dynamo Approach and into the Alton Dynamo structure. According to the map, you will be in Hellas View, but the area is still Alton. Jump across the gap and follow the room around. As you enter the door, take the left and continue along the one path. You’ll enter a large diamond room with a reactor at the back; the eye is up in the rafters.
Olympus Descent

The final Savathûn's Eye on Mars is in Olympus Descent. This is accessed via the Glacial Drift fast travel point. Spawn in and then turn a hard left to find the cave system that leads to Olympus Descent. As you reach the southernmost point of the map, look up to the rock wall to spot the eye.
Prophecy dungeon – Savathûn's Eyes
The Prophecy dungeon contains five Savathûn's Eyes. Make sure you don’t accidentally go past them into a new area when you’re hunting them down. Check out our Prophecy dungeon guide for strategies on each encounter.
Prophecy 1

The first of five Savathûn's Eyes in the Prophecy dungeon is found in the arena where the Phalanx Echo fight takes place. The eye is in one of the holes lining the perimeter. When standing near the entrance, look to the left to see four holes. Jump across the gap then make your way to the last hole and look down it to spot the eye.
Alternatively, you can get this eye when in the second hallway at the start of the dungeon. This tip comes courtesy of Twitter users, Dcealpha2.
Prophecy 2

The second Savathûn's Eye is in the Wasteland area, behind the Mercury structures. Find the simulacrum Infinite Forest building and look behind it to find the eye.
Prophecy 3

The next eye is found in the last phase of the Hexahedron encounter, after the Phalanx mini-bosses are dead. The eye is tucked inside a corner of the room. From the reward chest, go to the right-hand side of the room and look up into the left corner to see the eye inside an L-bend.
Prophecy 4

The second last Savathûn's Eye in Prophecy is during the Singularity deadsea section. Right before the final platform is a diamond. Enter the diamond and find the hole in the ground. Follow this through to the gap you need to jump and look down to find the eye in the middle of the vertex.
Prophecy 5

The last Savathûn's Eye in the Prophecy dungeon is during the fight against the Kell Echo. The eye will appear when you enter the room that has the Saturn-like planets around the central triangle pedestal. Because you visit the rooms in a random order, it could take a few runs through the Kell Echo damage phase. If you kill the boss in one go, you won't be able to get this eye. The eye is up in the rafters, tucked between the bracket attached to the wall.
After finding and destroying all of Savathûn's Eyes, the Hive-God Optometrist Triumph will unlock. With this step done, players will be well on their way to getting the Arrivals seal. Check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for more collectible walkthroughs and guides.
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