Star Wars Battlefront 2's final content update returns to Rogue One
After 30 months of exploring the Star Wars universe, Star Wars Battlefront 2's content updates are at an end and will end just like the first game, with a return to Rogue One's Battle on Scarif.
Star Wars Battlefront II released all the way back in 2018, but EA and DICE have been keeping the game updated on a regular basis. Weathering the storm of a rocky launch, the game's grown into a decent multiplayer romp that takes players on the ground and across space. But all things must come to an end and it looks like the Battlefront content train has reached its final destination. And that final destination is The Battle on Scarif, the scene of the climax of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
If The Battle on Scarif looks a little familiar, it's because this was also the final DLC update for the original Star Wars Battlefront, releasing back in 2016. The Star Wars Battlefront II version of the Rogue One climax will look a little different, since it will feature many of the various updates implemented into DICE's sequel over the course of the past 30 months. This includes putting Scarif to the Supremacy, Instant Action, Heroes and Villains, and Co-Op modes. DICE looks at this update as the game going full circle, as it had previously issued updates for the original trilogy (The Age of Rebellion), the sequel trilogy, the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the prequel trilogy (including The Clone Wars), and pretty much everything Star Wars outside of The Old Republic.
On top of Scarif, players can also find a few more items taken straight from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Rey can now carry her yellow lightsaber, Kylo Ren can don his reforged mask, and Emperor Palpatine will sport his Episode IX look. Palpatine (Dark) and Chewbacca (Light) will also be made available in sequel-era Supremacy, Co-Op, and Instant Action modes. There are also a couple of rewards for mechanical-legged Darth Maul and hooded Rey, which you can learn more about on the Star Wars Battlefront II website.

The Battle for Scarif brings the Star Wars Battlefront II updates to a close this Wednesday, April 29. If you're looking to pick up the game for yourself... now might not be the best time. The game will be part of the big May the 4th Sale this weekend and EA will be offering it for 60 percent off across all platforms. That sale is set to begin on May 1.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Star Wars Battlefront 2's final content update returns to Rogue One