Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed for Xbox Series X & Smart Delivery
CD Projekt Red confirmed that not only is Cyberpunk 2077 definitely coming out on the next generation, but it will be supported through Xbox's Smart Delivery program.
It was likely assumed by many that as long as Cyberpunk 2077 is taking to come out, it was probably not only going to come to current-gen consoles, but next-gen as well. Even so, CD Projekt RED dropped a little confirmation plus a nice bonus for those who might have been wondering. Not only is Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed to be coming to (at least) the Xbox Series X, but it’s also going to be supported on Xbox’s recently revealed Smart Delivery program.
CD Projekt RED confirmed both Cyberpunk’s impending launch on Xbox Series X and its Smart Delivery support via Twitter on February 24, 2020, immediately following a reveal of new Xbox Series X specs and details. Smart Delivery was a major feature of the overall list of new details. It’s a program that allows users peace of mind when purchasing Smart Delivery-supported Xbox games on any system. Essentially if you buy a Smart Delivery-supported game on Xbox One and then later transition to an Xbox Series X, you won’t have to rebuy the game for Xbox Series X. Your copy will simply be upgraded to the better console version.
Gamers should never be forced to purchase the same game twice or pay for upgrades. Owners of #Cyberpunk2077 for Xbox One will receive the Xbox Series X upgrade for free when available.
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) February 24, 2020
CD Projekt RED’s launch of Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox Series X is one thing, but it’s inclusion in the Smart Delivery program is a fantastic early selling point for the program. Players that want to jump in early on Xbox One won’t be penalized for wanting to play by having to buy it later on Xbox Series X. When or if they switch to the new console, their copy will automatically upgrade to an Xbox Series X version with all of the optimizations capable on the new console. It will likely be a fantastic bit of peace of mind for Xbox players who plan on switching to the Series X, but weren’t sure about buying a copy of Cyberpunk 2077 early before.
Cyberpunk 2077 is slated to launch on September 17, 2020 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One - a prominent prospect of the 2020 gaming calendar. We’ll have further information on the date and details of Xbox Series X and possible PlayStation 5 launches as they become available.
TJ Denzer posted a new article, Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed for Xbox Series X & Smart Delivery
Well all MS really has to say is we are going to have the best console version of Cyberpunk 2007 since we have a GPU that is > than a RTX 2080 Super and we run all that on a 16 threads, mega fast GDDR6 memory and a blazing fast NVMe hard drive and then just drop the Mic.
Why they push Smart Delivery just seems mental to Me..... they need to hire a hard core gamer and some one that loves the craft and is relevant to the hobby plus industry and help market and push their products in a way that works and is relatable.
At E3 all MS has to do is go "Who here has a PC that has a RTX 2080 Super or > in it, a PCIe 4.0 NVMe hard drive, a 16 thread CPU, is running a PCIe 4.0 mobo and is running the fastest DDR4 memory on the market?" pause..... and say "not many of you, that be a pretty nice gaming PC rig right? Don't worry MS has you covered with the Xbox 5 @ only { price } coming this Holiday season!" Then the crowd all stands up and cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the flip side if they say "Hey Guys we have Smart Delivery" .... they will just hear crickets.
:( I hope I am wrong and they will focus on how insanely epic the hardware is in the console and that goes for Sony as well.-
They're creating an ecosystem where you don't have to worry.
You can still buy games for your XB1 and it'll play on the XSX with better graphics when you want to upgrade. You can get a XSX and still buy XB1 games you missed out on. Add in game pass and the ability to switch between PC and console with the same game (or play with everyone together). Also if you have kids no need to throw away that XB1X or get them an Xbox to play along instead of another PC.
PC gaming is big again especially with eSports so they can make console gaming more like PC gaming but at the same time introduce console perks to PC gaming.-
Yeah you are totally right, but you know what I mean from the hardware Guys stand point it's make it such an easy sale. Yeah your right. Awesome points Man it really is going to be something and INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God damn I feel good right now \m/ :) \m/ , going to make sure I savour and appreciate every moment of 2020!
Let's freaking GO!!!!!! :)
I think the issue there is probably that all that tech talk doesn’t mean anything to the great mass of consumers in the middle. MS has to appeal to the parents buying systems for their kids as much as, if not moreso, than any hardcore enthusiast crowd (which they get to through marketing on the appropriate channels anyway). So quality-of-life messages, which are more relatable to most people, seem to be where the marketing defaults.
Yeah I totally get what you Guys are saying, but are not the majority of parents now not Guys like us that are the Generation X? Hmmm I just don't know if it's needed, our group is to Me all hardcore in the hardware front(or not stupid) and most if not all of us come from PCs and NES, SNES and Genesis so I would think the hardware would really be more tangible and a simple sale for parents.
Anyways I totally get what you Guys are saying, I just really hope they also highlight the hardware cause it really is a MEGA Omega Ultra big deal and at the scale we have never seen before. Really it is a game changer and insane!
"we have a GPU that is > than a RTX 2080 Super"
()_() do they now?
last leaks i saw showed the XBSX cpu being 100mhz faster but the GPU being a bit less than PS5. (whether thats truth or not...)
and if the PS5 SSD isnt faster than XBSX, then i dont see why it's getting the stupid amount of hype its getting.
XBSX did have slightly higher mem bandwidth, but lower TFLOP performance. afaik they're both using the same tech for the most part.. just different clocks/amounts of ram/vram (Sony supposedly has more) -
And yet they are dropping Teraflop numbers and a bunch of other PC specific things and high end HDTV tech specs ->
It's not hard to show a slide that shows that a PC GPU the RTX 2080 Super = 5 Xbox Ones(GPUs) and that = one Xbox 5, I didn't mean to literally say what I said and MS never would :) . I am sure if they took My route they would just show a stack of 5 Xbox One's and that it = one Xbox 5 or something like that so the point was really easy to understand. Heck their main site is pretty technical for console gamers you would think : so a simple PC GPU comparison would be pretty tame.
I know a lot of console only gamers from past jobs or My Brother's casual friends and they all only ever asked Me which is the most powerful console and best to get and that is all anyone ever seemed to care about.
LOL I don't think most console gamers are as clueless as some think, heck I have had casuals say how does the PS4 and XB1 compare to the best PC or GPU and which is better.
Anyways, will see at this years E3 in June on how they go about it and really they are sort of doing what I said already since they dropped the TF number today and all the other stuff. Really all I am saying is the new Xbox is a easy sale just on it's hardware merits alone and you really don't need to know anything else and just press the [ Buy ] button if you want a powerful new console and like the Xbox brand and games.
What I would do and I am not a marketing person. But basically show off a game Cyberpunk or whatever running on a high end PC. This PC is a $2500 Brand X Model Y. Now let's see what the game looks like running on a Series X and show an equally good looking game. Quick split screen showing both versions look great. Mention the Xbox being 1/4 the price.
And then hammer home it doesn't matter if you are running a $2500 PC or $600 console Microsoft is committed to bringing you the best gaming experience possible.
Yeah, it's called "Xbox Play Anywhere" and it applies to a certain subset of games available for both PC and Xbox, many of them by MS owned / backed studios.