Wanted: Hiraks' Familiar - Destiny 2
Track down Wanted Hiraks' Familiar for one of Spider's bounties, an escapee gallivanting around Titan in Destiny 2.
Hiraks’ Familiar is another one Spider’s Wanted targets in Destiny 2. This Hive unit is found hiding out on Titan. Players looking to knock out this particular bounty of Spider’s should begin their search around Siren’s Watch. Be warned, this is a roaming target, so there’s every chance it might take a while to appear.
Wanted: Hiraks’ Familiar – Titan, Siren’s Watch

Collect the Hiraks' Familiar Wanted bounty from Spider for 4 Ghost Fragments. This is one of the more expensive bounties on offer, though the reward is worth it.
Hiraks’ Familiar is a Hive Knight that is found in Siren’s Watch on Titan. The area where it is most likely to appear is above the public event space, by the open container with a lot of crates stacked in front of it.
To reach this location, start at the fast travel zone and drop down to the area straight ahead. Follow the path around to the right to reach the public event location. On the left-hand side of the area is a small alleyway between two buildings – this is where Hiraks’ Familiar hangs out.

Because Hiraks’ Familiar is a roaming target, you may need to wait a while for it to appear. These roaming targets are the more inconvenient Wanted targets for this very reason. Thankfully, because Hiraks’ Familiar appears in a public place, chances are there will be plenty of players around to help kill it. Be aware that you will likely need to get a shot on it for the bounty to complete.
There are many other targets to find as part of Spider’s Wanted Bounties. If you don’t have to hunt this target, and you’re just doing it to complete a quest (such as the one for Bastion), picking one of the other bounties could be a good option, especially those that are found in Lost Sectors.
Once Hiraks’ Familiar is defeated, complete the bounty to earn your Enhancement Core and Glimmer and then get back to hunting more targets! Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for even more helpful tips.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Wanted: Hiraks' Familiar - Destiny 2