Best PVP Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2
Improve your Crucible sniping game by gearing up with some of the best PVP Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2.
Sniping in Crucible isn’t easy for the uninitiated, which is why picking a good PVP Sniper Rifle is wise. In Destiny 2, there are dozens of snipers to potentially use, with various options between slots. However, in terms of perks you should be aiming for, there’s really only a couple worth chasing.
Best Sniper Rifles for Crucible
There are over 30 Sniper Rifles to use in Destiny 2, ranging from a humble white to the rare Exotics. While all of them can be used to varying effect, there are those that perform best in Crucible. However, it’s important to remember that just because a Sniper Rifle makes it onto this list, doesn’t mean you’ll immediately start getting headshots as soon as you equip it. Sniping takes a lot of practice, and finding one that fits your playstyle is the most important part.
Twilight Oath

Twilight Oath is a sniper added with Forsaken that is exclusive to the Dreaming City. This sniper is a rapid-fire frame, meaning it can get out a lot of shots very quickly. This might be an attractive option if you’re only worried about getting kills and not going for critical hits. Two quick body shots is enough.
A curated Twilight Oath is going to come with Box Breathing and Snapshot Sights. While Box Breathing is likely only good for PVE (and even then it’s not as good as it once was), it may help you secure a kill in PVP. The real standout perk is Snapshot Sights, which drastically improves the time it takes to aim-down-sights (ADS).
Twilight Oath can be acquired through Ascendant Chests, Corrupted Eggs, and other sources in the Dreaming City.

Beloved is a new Sniper Rifle added with the Season of Opulence. Players may even remember this model from the original Destiny. Because it is new, it can come rolled with some new perks. No Distractions reduces flinch once you’ve been aiming for a few seconds. This is really great for lane-control, though not as useful in tight corridors. Once you get an understanding of Sniper Rifles, try and get a decently rolled Beloved, as the hidden stats are some of the best in the game at the moment.
Beloved is acquired through the Menagerie using the Chalice of Opulence.
The Supremacy

Another sniper added with Forsaken is The Supremacy. This old-school Queen’s Wrath themed Sniper Rifle is like Twilight Oath with its rapid-fire shots. A curated roll is going to come with Rapid Hit and Kill Clip, though you really want to try for Snapshot Sights to improve your chances of hitting a fast-moving player.
The Supremacy is a random drop from the Last Wish raid.
Fate Cries Foul

Fate Cries Foul was added with Forsaken and is a rather versatile sniper. The Adaptive Frame means it has some good handling and with the right perks it can feel truly incredible. If you can get a roll with Moving Target, your reticle will be exceptionally sticky.
Fate Cries Foul is acquired through Lord Shaxx rank-up packages.
Bite of the Fox

Bite of the Fox is an Iron Banner Sniper Rifle, making it reasonably difficult to acquire. Because it's only going to be available once a month (at best), if you find one, hold onto it. This one comes with an Aggressive Frame, meaning high damage but high recoil. Though if you can land your shots, the recoil doesn’t matter too much. Try and secure one with Snapshot Sights to help with that aiming time.
Bite of the Fox is acquired through Iron Banner rank-up packages.
Izanagi’s Burden

Finally, there’s always Izanagi’s Burden. You will need to follow a lengthy quest to unlock the Izanagi’s Burden Exotic Sniper Rifle, but it’s worth it if you’re not too worried about critical shots. Sure, it’s perfectly capable of some excellent headshots, but the real selling point is its Exotic perk, Honed Edge. With this perk activated, you should be able to body-shot just about any Guardian you face. The downside is you won't be able to use anothe Exotic with this one equipped. So weigh up your options before diving in.
Best Sniper Rifle perks for Crucible

You may have noticed a theme with some of these great PVP Sniper Rifles. Though they’re all great, what really make them good are the perks. There are four perks you should be looking out for, and if you can get these on the above snipers, you’ll be set:
- Snapshot Sights
- Moving Target
- Quickdraw
- No Distractions
Snapshot Sights, as mentioned, speeds up your aim-down-sights time, meaning you can make those quick shots count. Moving Target helps with target acquisitions, which will help get that reticle over any jumpy players.
While they weren’t mentioned above too much, Quickdraw and No Distractions are also fairly decent. Quickdraw will help you switch to your sniper faster while No Distractions ensures flinch is drastically reduced.
Ideally, you will be aiming for Snapshot Sights and Moving Target on a single sniper. These work great together to ensure your reticle and your bullet stay on target.
Using a Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2 can be tricky, especially in Crucible. There are so many different options, and when quests force you to use a sniper, you’ll no doubt want to use the best one available. While these are all great choices, nothing beats personal preference. Try to get a feel for all the different archetypes of snipers and see what suits your style. Check out the Destiny 2 guide for more Crucible tips and weapon guides.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Best PVP Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2