All Stories Tagged: Eidos

Ascendant: The Fall of Tomb Raider and the Rise of Lara Croft

Ascendant: The Fall of Tomb Raider and the Rise of Lara Croft

In 1996, Core Design's Tomb Raider revolutionized 3D gaming. Six years later, the franchise and its heroine had fallen from grace. Developers from Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal look back on their blockbuster origin trilogy, and discuss how Lara Croft came back from darkness to take her place in the spotlight as one of gaming's most powerful and resourceful icons.

Eidos life president Ian Livingstone leaving Square Enix

When Square Enix acquired Eidos in 2009, company veteran Ian Livingstone was declared its 'life president.' Apparently this isn't a blood-bound oath, as Livingstone is walking away from the company after almost two decades, his heart still beating, to focus on other projects. These include improving UK schools and computer education, and belonging to oodles of industry bodies.

Thief 4 may be in trouble

Several staff departures and an apparently unreleased trailer point to some trouble for Thief 4, though the game is still an active project as far as we know.

Hello, Meet Lola