Meet Clyde

Meet Clyde

Everyone remembers being a kid. Those golden years where we list off so many formative moments we hold dear through college, adult life, careers, marriage, good times, and bad times. Sometimes we get to share those moments with our own offspring. If we grew up as gamers, then we remember and hold dear things such as our first console, the first game we finished, maybe the first time we played a game competitively.  We sent Shacknews' urban-development reporter "Mr. Sleepy" to the southern USA landmark city of  Clapton, Alabama to interview an 8 year old, highly enthusiastic  gamer "Clyde Presley", to get a fresh perspective on what it's like to be a gamer kid during these trying times. We hope you enjoy it! (Interview was conducted with social distancing and followed all EPA guidelines)


Sleepy: It's nice to meet you Clyde!  It's been about a year now since the stay-at-home orders started sweeping the nation, forcing many young people to stay inside instead of going out, and entertaining themselves digitally. What games have you been playing? What games are looking forward to?

"since the cortanavirus took over i just play roblox with my friendds ,Soooooooo ya man your the interviewing person now . Asif dint send the roblux he said he would and i dont want to do it btw you focken gross you said "entertaining themselves digitally" fuck pervert ahahahaahhaah"

Sleepy: What?

"Wel digitally means finger dont it lmaooo mann"

Sleepy: Oh.

"i have mostly been playing robloxx with my friend trevvor Travis and cooper cooper is so bad ad it and the ohter day we was on discord and said and i ain't makin it up he said butts butts busts butsss butts butts butts raight in front of another guy and trev start 2 laugh and i went lmao i aint even joking their literally was nothin funnies than that and also one time cooper before corrtanavirus took over he wint to school dressed as meincraft char but he punched hisself in the penis lmaaaaaaooooo"

Sleepy: That's.. pretty interesting, Clyde! 

"Hey for we continuuu i didnt get robux deposit that the "

Sleepy: The what?

"the robux. sry my razor keyboards just piece of shit and the rigb lamps dont fucken work, you guys maybe send another one like their  maybe if it works hey arent you just rich thuogh and anyway yea. can deposit .  the other black guy who said he runnin shack dawt com was said would send robux for the interview article "

Sleepy: Are you talking about Asif?

"yea him the other black guy i is that his name ? your friend"

Sleepy: Asif is not African American. He said he would pay you robux to do this interview?

"why would i make up somethnng like that and anyways i looked on tha accunt fore you msg me and saw same balance ZERO balance ZERO not good if what you wan is the interview . When i get mad sometimes i get up on the door frame in ny dads closet bathroom, i can get up their reel fast like a lizard n when i go up their its a lawt like bein a lizard anyways so where is the robux "

Sleepy: I guess I could send you some. Asif didn't mention anything about it to me. What is your username on roblox?

"420_throat_goater_69" but u can also type in my moms email address

Sleepy: Clyde, Is that seriously your roblox username?


Sleepy: Do your parents know that?

"omg my mom is focken supersonic super-bitch gone amok  and i wan tel you why so the other days i was in cal of duty modern warfar and kevin my littlist brother said hey get off the computer i wan shoot terristsi and i said NO fuck you IDDEOT just stop it IDIDIOT just go away cant have life always your way you fockEN ROCK SOLID IDDIEIOT cant believe it . So my mo m walked in and took compute from both of me and my brotha . S as she makde me so made . people call her "Tina" but her name should really just  be "BITCH"

Sleepy: I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sending you the robux now.

"who is there other black dude"

Sleepy: Clyde, what other black dude are you talking about?

"one who runs there website IDDIOTTE for the FARTICLE" 

Sleepy: Are you talking about Asif again?

"yeah bossif . Xx saw his twitter can he send more 

Sleepy: Send more of what?


Sleepy: I thought you needed Robux? Also, again, you keep calling him black. Asif is not an African American.

" he sure seems like one on twitter"

Sleepy: He's not. He is technically Asian, I would think. He is not African American. 

 "Llook pal "your technically gonna be asian and  wihotut an interview i dont get my robux robux robux year me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah i said that like my frie nd cooper says it ."

Sleepy: Give me just a second. Ok I think it went through. Check your balance. 

" are you black ?"

Sleepy: It's a matter of debate. Did you get your robux or not? I just sent them.

"yessssss oh fuck yes i saw balance upo up up oh yessss fuck man off ohm oh omg  God I'm gunna os happy fuck, FUCK< FUCK< FUCK, FUCK FUCK SO MANY. FUCK." 

Sleepy: Alright, so back to the first question. 

"Fuck question COMPLETELY who even cares COMPLETLY . I COMPLETLY just fuck scarmmed you ass you  [unprintable slur] 

Sleepy: Clyde, that's not a very nice word to use. 

" god hol omg fucken suck a fart DIRECTLY from a ass hole or  chug a butte soda okay [unprintable slur] [unprintable slur] FUCk your question COMPLETEELY.  COMPLELY fuck your question"

Sleepy: But we paid you the fucking Robux, man. 

"FUCK you dirtpbag "  

Sleepy: Alright, you know what, fuck this. Have a good afternoon. Enjoy your robux. 

"Fuck you FUCK FUCK FUCK you acn get SUCKED or u can get FUCKED over there or here or anywhere you just a fuck FUCKED HEAD  homo sapien piece of shit like my biolagy teacher taught us . Suck a fart homo sapien HOMO, you a fucken HOMO man bialogical IDIOT. If you aint a  BIALOGICAL IDDDDIOT i dont know what is bye thanks"



Mr. Sleepy is an Urban Cultural Correspondent for, musician and writer and contributor for Shacknews.

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