All Scadutree Fragment locations - Elden Ring
Collect every single Scadutree Fragment in Elden Ring to buff your attack and defensive stats.
Scadutree Fragments are a new item in Elden Ring that improves your attack and defensive stats while inside the Realm of Shadow. Each one you collect will have a direct impact on how much damage you deal and how much damage you receive. Collecting all of these is critical if you want any chance of surviving – and beating – some of these bosses.
All Scadutree Fragments
There are several dozen Scadutree Fragments to find in the Realm of Shadow in Elden Ring. Collecting these are the only way to deal any meaningful damage to enemies and bosses, while also increasing your defenses. While leveling up helps, these fragments are a percentage boost, making it far more beneficial to track these down.

Source: Eziolambo for the high quality Realm of Shadow map.
We’ve organized this list in a rough order of how you might be playing the game. The first dozen are the easiest to get, so target these if you’re just starting. From there, you’ll want to be hitting the major locations in a specific order, as each area will get progressively tougher.
Keep in mind that you can always try to run through some late-game areas to nab a few Scadutree Fragments if you’re up to the task.
Scadutree Fragments are found at Miquella’s Crosses, statues of Marika, dropped by bosses, and carried in pots by some shadow people.
Scadutree Fragment 1

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East of the Scorched Ruins, carried in a pot by a shadow soldier in the gravesite along the cliff.
Scadutree Fragment 2

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Inside the Church of Consolation to the east of the Gravesite Plain Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 3
The Church of Consolation will actually have two Scadutree Fragments. Enjoy!
Scadutree Fragment 4

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On the ground by Miquella’s Cross at the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 5

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On the ground by Miquella’s Cross at the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace right before the town of Belurat.
Scadutree Fragment 6

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Carried by a shadow man in a pot west of Prospect Town. Find this south of the Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace, which is along the cliff to the south of the Main Gate Cross outside of Belurat.
Scadutree Fragment 7

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On the ground by Miquella’s Cross at the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace. This is to the southeast of Castle Ensis, where you’ll find Thiollier.
Scadutree Fragment 8

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This is found in the soldier camp at the Castle Front Site of Grace outside of Castle Ensis.
Scadutree Fragment 9
On the ground by Miquella’s Cross in Belurat, behind a door covered in rubble, right before the giant scorpion room. This one is tricky to locate and requires making progress through the town.

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Start at the Small Private Altar Site of Grace and go up the stairs and then up the next set of stairs (watch out for the large Hornsent soldier). Take a right down the alleyway, run down the mucky water, and follow the path into a room.

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Climb the ladder, go up the stairs, turn left, go down the stairs, and look for the small scorpions.

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Don’t go into the large room with the bigger scorpions, jump over the rubble on the right-side of the path instead. Go through the door, kill the insect people, and you’ll reach Miquella’s Cross.
Scadutree Fragment 10

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This one is on the ground by Miquella’s Cross in Castle Ensis. Like above, you’ll just need to make your way through the castle to find it. This one is easier to locate, as it’s on your path to the boss. From here on out, you’ll need to defeat some bosses to get any more buffs, but you should be at Scadutree Blessing 5.
Scadutree Fragment 11

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This Scadutree Fragment is at the Miquella’s Cross at the Highroad Cross Site of Grace, which is accessed once you pass through Castle Ensis.
Scadutree Fragment 12

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There are a bunch of Scadutree Fragments at Moorth Ruins. The first is at Miquella’s Cross right by the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 13

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This is in an enemy camp northwest of Moorth Ruins, cross the road. Find it at the statue of Marika and another fragment.
Scadutree Fragment 14

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North of Moorth Ruins at a statue of Marika that leads into a cave. This is by the small pond with the glowing worm… things.
Scadutree Fragment 15

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Go south of Moorth Ruins to find a shadow man holding a pot. He’s up on the ledge overlooking the hole – be careful, he’s guarded by a Hornsent with the dual disc weapons.
Scadutree Fragment 16

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This one is by Miquella’s Cross at the Scaduview Cross Site of Grace. This is south of Moorth Ruins, up on a cliff overlooking Fort Reprimand.
Scadutree Fragment 17

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North of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace is a soldier encampment outside of the Shadow Keep. It is being protected by a Furnace Golem. There is a statue of Marika on the eastern side of the road as you enter from the south. Grab the Scadutree Fragment from the ground and keep running!
Scadutree Fragment 18

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You’ll find two fragments in the Church of the Crusade. This building is to the west before you reach Shadow Keep. This is after you pass through Castle Ensis.
Scadutree Fragment 19
This is the other fragment (number two) you’ll find in Church of the Crusade.
Scadutree Fragment 20

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This fragment is in the Temple Town Ruins on a body hanging over the side of the covered walkway at the top of the stairs. Enter through the hole in the wall and go up the stairs on the right. When you get to the top, walk along the cloth to the western side and drop down to the ledge to reach the body.
Scadutree Fragment 21

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There is a hippopotamus in Charo’s Hidden Grave that drops a Scadutree Fragment.
Scadutree Fragment 22

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This is at the Miquella’s Cross at the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 23

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This one is in a cave in the canyon north of the Cerulean Coast West Site of Grace. From the grace, travel northeast into the canyon and hug the left wall. As you round the corner to the west, look for the exploding ghost worms, the cave will be on the lower part of the path. There is a demi-human protecting it.
Scadutree Fragment 24

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To the deep south of the map is the Fissure, in which is another Miquella’s Cross. This is located at the Fissure Cross Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 25

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On the lower eastern side of Shadow Keep is the Church District. In the flooded church is a statue of Marika, with the fragment held in her hand. Check out our guide on reaching the top of the Storehouse in case you don’t know how to reach the Church District.
Scadutree Fragment 26

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Another fragment is at the Back Gate Site of Grace in the Shadow Keep. This is right before the fight against Commander Gaius. There is a side room with a statue of Marika. To reach this area, you’ll need to access the top of the Storehouse and use the elevators to descend to the northern side of the map.
Scadutree Fragment 27

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There are five fragments at the Scadutree Chalice. This is a large, Lordvessel-like bowl at the very north of the map. This area is only available after defeating Commander Gaius.
Scadutree Fragment 28
There is a second fragment at the Scadutree Chalice.
Scadutree Fragment 29
Pick up the third one at the Scadutree Chalice.
Scadutree Fragment 30
Don’t miss the fourth fragment at the Scadutree Chalice.
Scadutree Fragment 31
Finally, the fifth one at the Scadutree Chalice.
Scadutree Fragment 32

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Head to the Jagged Peak in the south and start climbing the mountain. When you reach the part with the boulder that rolls down the hill, look for the dead body up against the wall right below where the rock spawns. This location is just past the spiritsprings. You can backtrack from the Jagged Peak Mountainside.
Scadutree Fragment 33

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Head to the Abyssal Woods Site of Grace and travel north to find a corpse by a tree.
Scadutree Fragment 34

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The Abandoned Church in the Abyssal Woods has another fragment. This church is to the southeast of the area, tucked away in the corner.
Scadutree Fragment 35
You’ll actually collect two fragments from the Abandoned Church in the Abyssal Woods.
Scadutree Fragment 36

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Find this one below the Recluses’ River Upstream Site of Grace, on a skeleton in a coffin at the bottom of the waterfall. You can reach it from the Recluses’ River Downstream Site of Grace. Go northeast and drop down the ledges to reach the river. Follow it upstream to get to the coffin.
Scadutree Fragment 37

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From the Recluses’ River Downstream, head down the river to the lower lake on the eastern side of the landing. Here you’ll find a hippopotamus that drops a fragment.
Scadutree Fragment 38

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As above, there is another hippopotamus to defeat to the east of Recluses’ River Downstream Site of Grace, on the lake.
Scadutree Fragment 39

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When you make it into Shadow Keep for the first time, you’ll face the Golden Hippopotamus boss. Defeating it rewards two fragments.
Scadutree Fragment 40
This will be the second fragment you get from the Golden Hippopotamus boss in Shadow Keep.
Scadutree Fragment 41

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After progressing through the Storehouse in Shadow Keep, you’ll make your way to the fourth floor where you’ll find another Miquella’s Cross and a Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 42

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At the top of the Storehouse is another Site of Grace in the Dark Chamber, but before it is a statue of Marika. You’ll open the doors to the tower and immediately see the statue with the fragment on the ground.
Scadutree Fragment 43

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This one is in the Rauh Ancient Ruins, at the Miquella’s Cross East Site of Grace.
Scadutree Fragment 44

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This fragment is on a dead body in one of the large rooms with pillars in the Rauh Ancient Ruins.

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Start at the West Site of Grace and go into the building to the southwest. Go up the stairs into the large room and run across it to the altar to find a fragment on a body. Be aware there is a Hornsent disc man and plenty of shadow people.
Scadutree Fragment 45
This Scadutree Fragment is in the first area of the Rauh Ruins, held by a shadow pot man, by the spiritspring just past the square room with scorpions.

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Start at the Miquella’s Cross Site of Grace and head northwest along the water toward the low arches. Follow this path to the end and take a right.

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You’ll pass under an arch and head toward a ramp, don’t go up it, instead go through the door on your right that leads to a spiritspring.

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Run past the spiritspring and go to the very end of the corridor to find another one. Use this to jump to the higher levels. You should land near some shadow men, one of which is holding a pot with your fragment.
Scadutree Fragment 46

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This one is dropped by a hippopotamus in the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. Start at the Viaduct Minor Tower and head southeast to the elevator. Travel down and go through the tunnels to reach the outdoor area. The hippo is in the water along the southern edge.
Scadutree Fragment 47

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This fragment is at the Miquella’s Cross at the Spiral Rise Site of Grace in Enir-Ilim.
Scadutree Fragment 48
This is one of the last Scadutree Fragments you can find in Enir-Ilim. It is found across a tricky jumping puzzle and narrow ledges right before the Spiral Rise Site of Grace.

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Facing the Spiral Rise Site of Grace at the top of the stairs, look for a small set of stairs over the right side of the path. Follow this down to a room with an Inquisitor Ashes item. Go through to where the other stairs would be and aim down to see some steps below you.

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Drop down and ascend the stairs to the central area. Peer over the edge to see a narrow ledge below you. You must drop down and shimmy across toward the gap. Run and jump over it.

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Jump to the building with the statues sticking out the corners. Go down the spiral to the broken wall and drop down into the room.

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Go down the stairs and look off the right hand side to see an open window. You must run and jump to this window. If done correctly, you’ll be able to drop down into the next room which will place you in the Belurat, Tower Settlement.

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Exit the building and grab your Scadutree Fragment from the statue that’s covered with a cloth. Be careful, a large scorpion will drop down behind you.
Scadutree Fragment 49

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This fragment is after the Spiral Rise Site of Grace. Go up the stairs and across the rooftops where the birds are. Go into the building with the Hornsent that are holding candles and then go up the stairs. Look in the room at the top of the stairs to find this piece (there’s a Hornsent with a greatsword standing on the roof nearby).
Scadutree Fragment 50

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This one is in the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace. It’s along the main path toward the top of the tower, you can’t miss it.
With all 50 Scadutree Fragments collected, you will have finally maxed out your damage output and increased your defenses. Now’s the perfect time to take on the last boss, so check out our Shadow of the Erdtree final boss guide for some help with that. There’s also our Elden Ring Strategy Guide for a wealth of other valuable information.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, All Scadutree Fragment locations - Elden Ring