How to get Gjallarhorn - Destiny 2
Unlock Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2 by completing the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves, which requires the dungeon, Grasp of Avarice.
Gjallarhorn is back in Destiny 2 and players want to know how to get it. This should come as no surprise given the mythological status of the Exotic Rocket Launcher. For those with the Bungie 30th Anniversary pack, unlocking Gjallarhorn will be a top priority. The steps to get it are straightforward, though, there may be some hiccups along the way. To get the process started, you must acquire the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves.
How to get Gjallarhorn - And Out Fly the Wolves

To get Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2, you must first own the Bungie 30th Anniversary pack (it’s available here on Steam). This will give you access to the dungeon, Grasp of Avarice, which is what you will play to unlock Gjallarhorn as part of the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves. Once you have the pack and download it, boot up Destiny 2 and Xur should pull you into the new activity, Dares of Eternity.
- Complete the Dares of Eternity
- Go to Xur’s Treasure Hoard
- Speak with Xur
- In Xur’s inventory page, go to the second page
- Pick up the quest, And Out Fly The Wolves
- Visit Shaw Han on the Cosmodrome
- Investigate the Loot Cave
- Complete the Grasp of avarice dungeon
- Bring the Wolfpack Round to Shaw Han
- Collect Wolfpack Rounds by defeating Powerful Fallen in the Cosmodrome
- This can be easily done in the Exodus Garden 2A lost sector
- Return to Shaw Han with the Wolfpack Rounds
- Visit Banshee-44 in the Tower
- Complete Exodus Garden 2A lost sector (again)
- Return to Shaw Han and use the tool chest
- Return to Shaw Han to complete Gjallarhorn
Your first step will be to complete the Dares of Eternity. The first time you load up Destiny 2 after purchasing the 30th Anniversary pack, you should be pulled right into the activity. If not, it is launched via the Eternity node on the Director. Complete the Dares of Eternity and you’ll be directed to speak with Xur.
Go to Xur’s Treasure Hoard location and chat with Xur, Agent of the Nine. When you speak with him, go to his inventory and go to the second page. The quest for Gjallarhorn is located on page two – use the arrow tab to find it. The quest is called, And Out Fly the Wolves.

With the quest in hand, you will need to speak with Shaw Han on the Cosmodrome. For those veterans out there who aren’t familiar, Shaw Han is the new vendor used to help new players through the start of the game. Shaw Han will be the official starting point of the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves.
Step 1: Complete Grasp of Avarice
The actual first step of the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves, is to complete the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.
Step 2: Speak with Shaw Han

Go and talk with Shaw Han again.
Step 3: Defeat Powerful Fallen in the Cosmodrome

Roll around the Cosmodrome and defeat powerful Fallen. This will be any Fallen that has a yellow health bar. You should find some during Public Events. Each one you defeat will yield a Wolfpack Round – you need seven to finish this step.
Step 4: Speak with Shaw Han

Chat with Shaw Han again to get the next step.
Step 5: Speak with Banshee-44

Head to the Tower and talk to Banshee.
Step 6: Complete the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector

Go back to the Cosmodrome and complete the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector. You don’t need to do the Legend or Master version, the normal one will be just fine. Grab the loot from the chest to move to the next step.
Step 7: Go to Shaw Han

Head back to where Shaw Han is and look inside the building below the quick travel spawn point. There will be a workbench where you can assemble the Gjallarhorn yourself.
Step 8: Speak to Shaw Han one more time

With the nearly-complete Gjallarhorn, go and speak with Shaw Han one more time to get the mighty Gjallarhorn. Now go off and enjoy using one of the most iconic weapons in Destiny’s history.
Unlocking Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2 requires access to the Bungie 30th Anniversary pack. Beyond that, players will be able to access the quest, And Out Fly the Wolves, which will lead them to clearing the new dungeon, Grasp of Avarice. Be sure to stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for more tips to help you fight back against the Darkness.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to get Gjallarhorn - Destiny 2