John Wick Hex is coming to Switch and Xbox One in December

John Wick Hex is bringing its thirst for vengeance and love of firearms to Switch and Xbox in December, as well as to Steam.


With the COVID-19 pandemic closing movie theaters across the country, there's been fear that we won't be getting more John Wick for a while. And in these trying times, the world needs more John Wick. The man is breathtaking! If you're among those who needs more Wick, then you'll be happy to hear that John Wick Hex is releasing on a few more platforms in just a couple of months.

For those who may not remember what creator Mike Bithell's John Wick Hex is about, let's go back to our review from 2019:

A lot of times, video games based on movies focus on plot points from the movies that they've been pulled from. With John Wick Hex, though, Bithell tells a story from Wick's prime hitman days. Hex, the villain of the game, has kidnapped Winston and Charon (still voiced by Ian McShane and Lance Reddick respectfully) to rebel about The Table, the rigid rulers of the international criminal underworld. Wick's mission is quickly made clear, as he infiltrates the various estates and businesses of Hex's allies to figure out where the villain is holding Winston and Charon.

It's an intriguing tale that fits in quite well with the movie series despite being set so far before it. It's clear from the way that story beats out that Bithell and his team worked closely with the writers on the movies to find out where they needed things to mesh so that the game could work so well with the backstory given to Wick in the movies. This makes for quite a treat as you dive deeper into John Wick Hex, slowly discovering more of the secrets and story that lay beneath.

Hex features a graphic novel art style, as well as the kind of gunplay one would expect from a John Wick property and a turn-based gameplay style that one may not expect from anything with the Wick name on it. It was one of our favorite games of 2019 and now it's set to come to Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. Those upgrading to the new hotness that is the Xbox Series X should theoretically be able to play this on their new console via backwards compatibility. The game had previously released on PC via the Epic Games Store and PlayStation 4.

But wait, has it already been a year since John Wick Hex came out on the Epic Games Store? Steam users, that means your wait is almost over. John Wick Hex will also come to Steam on the same day that it releases on Switch and Xbox. Meanwhile, console players who prefer physical media can pick the game up in retail stores for all three of the major current-gen platforms.

John Wick Hex is set to release on PC via Steam, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on December 4. That should help give you an even bigger Keanu Reeves fix after a certain other blockbuster game releases.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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