How to change regions & unlock region rewards - Legends of Runeterra
Regions are essentially deck classes in Legends of Runeterra, and each region has a collection of rewards to unlock. Here's how to change between and unlock all of them.
League of Legends’ digital card game, Legends of Runeterra, has finally arrived in open beta on PC and you can start piecing together your favorite bits of lore into a working deck, be it a swarming spider or poro deck, gadget driven Piltover and Zaun deck, or other Runeterra delights. That said, once you’ve knocked out the tutorials, the grind begins to collect the cards you need to make your decks complete. We’ve assembled everything you need to know about region switching and region reward unlocks.
How to unlock region rewards in Legends of Runeterra

Once you’ve knocked out the tutorials in Legends of Runeterra (well worth your time for all the early cards and prizes they offer), you’ll be auto-assigned a League of Legends region. Right now, six are available: Demacia, Freljord, Ionia, Noxus, Piltover & Zaun (combined), and the Shivering Isles. Each region acts as the basis for a set of cards in Legends of Runterra. For instance, the Shivering Isles deck has champions like Hecarim and Thresh and is heavy on one-shot minions like Darkwater Scourge while Demacia features Garen and Lux in its champion set and offense and defense boosting cards like Laurent Bladekeeper.
It’s worth considering which deck suits your early needs because the assigned region plays into how you unlock cards. Legends of Runeterra features 20 levels of unlocks for each region, ranking from bronze capsules with common cards to diamond chest with rare champions and units. To unlock levels in a region, you simply need to have that region active as you play games. As you play, you’ll get experience for both a general vault chest reward to be unlocked weekly, as well as experience towards levels and unlocks for whatever region you have activated.
If you want to get the most out of your games, make sure to do Legends of Runeterra’s daily quests, which offer up a huge amount of experience should you complete them.
How to change regions in Legends of Runeterra

If you’ve been set in the wrong region and need to start leveling up the region befitting of the direction you want to go with your deck builds, then it’s easy to switch and activate the region you want. In order to change regions, you just need to follow the steps below.
- Go to the Rewards option in the left side bar of the game client
- Click on the Change Region button near the top left of the page.
- Click the region you wish to activate off the list.
- Click the Activate button to make your desired region your active region.
Once a region is active, all experience you get from matches, whether vs. Human or AI, will go to benefit level-ups towards rewards for that region. If you’re trying to lock down a good poro deck or get some ephemeral ghosts going, you’ll want to activate Freljord or the Shivering Isles respectively. It just depends on what direction you have in mind for your deck and which region will benefit you the most.
Have you gotten into Legends of Runeterra yet? If not, don’t forget to consult our handy guide on how to get signed up for Runeterra’s Open Beta. Want even further tips? Hit up our guide on how to level up and unlock vault chests.
TJ Denzer posted a new article, How to change regions & unlock region rewards - Legends of Runeterra