How to get the One Punch Man shotgun in Borderlands 3
Get your hands on the One Punch Man gun in Borderlands 3, a shotgun lovingly called the One Pump Chump.
The One Punch Man gun in Borderlands 3 is actually called the One Pump Chump. This shotgun is dropped by a powerful enemy in the game called One Punch. If you want to get your hands on this exceptionally strong shotgun, you’ll need to know where to look and how to unlock this optional enemy.
How to get the One Punch Man gun
The One Punch Man shotgun, called the One Pump Chump, is a drop from an enemy in Lectra City. First step on this journey is to know how to get to Lectra City. Once there, you are looking for the underground railway or subway, depending on what you prefer to call it.

To reach this subway area, start at the fast travel point in Lectra City and then head south. The entrance to the underground area is past a radio tower, right by a Typhon log. Search the area for a set of stairs leading to the subway. Run onto the tracks and follow them back north. On the left side of the tracks will be a hallway leading to a room with a bunch of switches and five TVs around a door – this is where One Punch is.
Learn how to open the locked T chests around Borderlands 3.
You will need to unlock the door and then kill One Punch to get the One Pump Chump. Thankfully, there is a New-U station at the top of the stairs, so if he doesn’t drop one, you can quit to the main menu and load back in to try again. Out of 17 runs, I managed to score a single One Punch Man-themed shotgun.
Lectra City locked door and switch puzzle

Unlocking this locked door on Lectra City requires you to enter a special “code”. To do this, you will need to throw the switches in the correct order. Doing this turns on all the TVs around the door on, allowing One Punch to come busting out.
You will need to press the button, spin the wheel, pull the floor brake, and throw the lever twice. You will see the television screens flick on as you do this. It’s only a short hallway, and One Punch moves quickly, so you will need to back up or kill him quickly.
One Pump Chump stats

The One Pump Chump is easily one of the best shotguns for use in the early and mid-game. It deals a significant amount of damage, as each one comes with some crazy 1,000+ percent increase to damage. It also has a unique perk in that it has a chance to not consume ammo. Personally, I’ve had it fire 5-7 shells in a row before needing to reload. The only other weapon worth chasing in Lectra City is the Rick and Morty gun, which is a little more difficult to get.
Now that you’ve got the One Pump Chump, a hilariously powerful shotgun named after One Punch Man, you can get to taking out any enemy you want in Borderlands 3. Take a look over the Shacknews Borderlands 3 guide for even more weapon farming locations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to get the One Punch Man shotgun in Borderlands 3