Spine Burrows Imperial Treasure location in Destiny 2
Learn where to find the Imperial Treasure chest hidden in the Spine Burrows on Io in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 players looking to fill their coffers with Imperials and powerful gear will need to take a trip to the Spine Burrows in search of an Imperial Treasure chest. The location of this chest can be difficult to find, especially given it’s in an area that is not often explored.
Destiny 2 | Spine Burrows Imperial Treasure location
The Imperial Treasure for the Spine Burrows is located on Io, home to the permanently surly Asher Mir. This chest can be a little bit difficult to find as there’s no clear marker on the map on where to find the cave it’s hiding out in.

Using the Lost Oasis fast travel point, load in to Io and cut across the large field. Pass either beneath the tree or go around it to the opposite side of the area. There will be a tree growing over the side of the cliff. Search for a little hole in the wall and pass through. This tunnel will take you directly to the Spine Burrows. Because it’s not a Lost Sector, there will be no marking on the wall or on the map.
Once in the Spine Burrows, drop down and follow the water around to the right. The Imperial Treasure chest will be sitting on some rocks behind the tree that’s grown into the wall. Open the chest to receive another Triumph (if it’s your first time) as well as a few Chalice of Opulence runes and Imperials. These runes can be used in the Menagerie recipes to create specific weapons and armor.
The Spine Burrows Imperial Treasure chest can be a little bit difficult to find. It’s hidden right between two main areas on Io, and there’s no real indication of where to begin searching. But with the above information, you should be able to claim your powerful gear with ease. Head over to the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for more Imperial Treasure locations.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Spine Burrows Imperial Treasure location in Destiny 2