Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Battle Edition drops entry price for Blackout to $30

Breaking the trend of sparse discounts for the franchise, Activision is now selling a diced-up version of Black Ops 4 to PC players at a lower price.


The Call of Duty franchise remains one of the stalwarts of big budget video games nearly fifteen years since the series made its debut on the PC in 2003. This year’s entry, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, was developed by Treyarch and is the first entry in the franchise to launch without a single player campaign. Like all Call of Duty games, Black Ops 4 reportedly had a huge launch with lofty sales numbers. Some unverified reports had the active player counts dropping for the PC version of the game and now Activision is selling the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Battle Edition on for $29.99.

What do you get for your $29.99? Players who opt for the new Battle Edition will get access to Blackout, the franchise’s hit take on the battle royale genre, and the regular multiplayer modes. Unlike the Standard Edition of the game, the Zombies mode and the 1,100 bonus Call of Duty points will not be included. Those add-ons, as well as the Deluxe Edition content, will be available to to purchase separately for Battle Edition owners.

Call of Duty games have always been priced high, even years into their shelf lives, on the PC, with publisher activision rarely offering the types of discounts that are common from other game publishers on the platform. To see the game split into pieces and sold a la carte just over a month after its launch is rather surprising. As the first game in the franchise since Call of Duty 4 to launch without Steamworks-based multiplayer on PC, Black Ops 4’s integration into Blizzard’s ecosystem may have faced an uphill battle to secure customers who were used to Steam.

If you are grabbing the new Battle Edition of Black Ops 4, be sure to check out the PC keybindings guide and make sure you don’t hit the wrong key when it matters. Head over to our Black Ops 4 hub for more guides and news to help you get the most out of your experience.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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