All Stories Tagged: Virtual Console, Page 3

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Wii U Virtual Console announced, adds GBA games

So you've got yourself a shiny new Wii U, but you're longing for old games to play. Fear not, gentle player, Nintendo announced this morning that the Wii U's Virtual Console is on its way soon. Old games sold on the Wii U will come jazzed up with game saves, Miiverse Communities, and the ability to play them away from your TV on the Wii U GamePad.

3DS Ambassador game features detailed

Nintendo has detailed the features that will be included in the initial "priority delivery" versions of the NES games on September 1, along with new features to be added with an update, and GBA functionality.

Two more 3DS Ambassador games revealed

3DS Ambassadors program will reportedly receive Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3 and Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, according to a Nintendo service rep. If true, this leaves three more GBA games to be revealed.

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