All Stories Tagged: Syndicate Series

Syndicate won't use an online pass

Syndicate won't use an online pass. EA reasons that the co-op shouldn't have a barrier to entry, and hopes that the lengthy gameplay will prevent early trade-ins.

Syndicate classic hitting GOG this week

Good Old Games will put Syndicate on sale January 19 (Thursday) for $5.99; you can enter to win the game for free through the GOG site, Twitter, and Facebook accounts

Syndicate trailer introduces co-op squad

As Starbreeze's FPS reboot Syndicate limbers up for launch, a new trailer showcasing its co-op mode presents a handy opportunity for cyberpunk fans to settle an important question: which character will you play?

Syndicate preview

Starbreeze's upcoming Syndicate reboot is the beautiful blonde girl in the club. Gorgeous to look at, and fun to play. But is it smart enough to keep your attention?

Hello, Meet Lola