All Stories Tagged: Peter Molyneux

Project Godus Kickstarter ends, hits Linux stretch goal

For much of its crowd-sourcing campaign, it seemed Peter Molyneux and 22cans' Project Godus would fall short of its goal. Things really picked up in the final few days, however, and it wrapped up this afternoon a safe distance past the finish line. Good news, everyone! Peter Molyneux is making another god game.

Peter Molyneux shows off Project Godus multiplayer

For a long time it looked like Peter Molyneux and 22cans' Project Godus would fall well short of its crowd-funding goal, but with two days now left to go, a rush of pledges has brought the god game tantalisingly close. To help nudge it across the line, 22cans has put out a new video showing Molyneux and fellow designer Jack Attridge facing off in the early prototype's multiplayer.

Project Godus trailer shows prototype gameplay

With three days and an awful lot of money left to go, Peter Molyneux and 22cans' crowd-funding campaign for a new god game codenamed Project Godus is looking unlikely to end happily. In the hope of raising interest and that final £80,000 ($130,000-ish), 22cans has put out a trailer with gameplay footage from its early, early prototype.

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