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Crysis 3 Wii U was made but 'had to die'

The Wii U is a reasonably powerful piece of kit, so how come the recent launch of Crysis 3 skipped it? Developer Crytek did actually have the supersuit shooter up and running on Nintendo's new console, CEO Cevat Yerli has revealed, but the powers that be wouldn't commit to pushing it out and Crytek couldn't self publish. So it was killed.

Crysis 3 trailer deploys ZZ Top

An earlier Crysis 3 trailer wanted to inspire awkward feelings of awe and arousal for one of the FPS's guns, apparently. Now a new commercial wants to spark similar desires for its protagonist, with a little help from ZZ Top. Boys want to be him, I guess, and girls want to be with him, probably. Every girl's crazy about a sharp-dressed man, after all.

Crysis 3 multiplayer beta begins January 29

Crysis 3's multiplayer beta starts next week and lasts through February 12, giving players a chance to try two game modes and two maps before the game launches on February 19.

Crysis 3 trailer lusts after military hardware

Gosh, aren't guns cool! They're all sleek and shiny, and making loud noises when you kill things. So cool! A new Crysis 3 trailer is dedicated to its new 'Typhoon' super-mega-cool gun, which EA says is "the culmination of 2,000 years of human warfare" and "the purest form of expression." With such an erotic weapon, you could be forgiven for wanting to seductively run your tongue across the tips of its ten barrels.

Crysis 3 PC system requirements confirmed

PCnauts have become pretty complacent about system requirements of multiplatform games, knowing even a modest gaming PC is faster than the consoles so they should be fine. Crysis 3 is a little less forgiving. The system requirements are confirmed, so you may want to start eying an upgrade if you fancy playing Crytek's super-suit shooter with all the bells and whistles on.

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