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Community Spotlight: Neon Run21

Card games are among the best-selling apps on mobile devices. Solitaire, Poker, and Blackjack are some of the easiest games to pick up and play on-the-go, as evident by gamers and non-gamers alike normally carrying around at least one iteration of a card game on their phone. Kevin King (Shacker NeonGames_Kevin) decided to capitalize on this idea and create a twist on the traditional blackjack formula.

Community Spotlight: Gamers After Life

After listening to the latest Weekend Confirmed, have you had the urge to listen to a gaming podcast by Shackers, for Shackers? Three members of the Shacknews community--Billy "Mercfox1" Spies, Paul "Sexpansion Pack" Montesanti, and Jeff "geedeck" Gondek--have come together for just that purpose. Together, they've created Gamers After Life, which is currently at 10 episodes and counting.

Community Spotlight: iControl DCS

Games are often considered an immersive medium, allowing players to live out fantasies that were never before possible. Willie Zutz (known to the Shack community as boarder2) has used his personal experience to create an iOS supplement to the Eagle Dynamics A-10C Warthog flight simulator. It's called iControl DCS, a virtual glass cockpit recreated in excruciating detail.

Community Spotlight: Polycount

Polycount has been home to a large number of video game artists, both professional and amateur, since 1998. Like Shacknews, Polycount has deep...

Community Spotlight: Advanced Home Automation

Remember old episodes of Star Trek where Captain Kirk (or Picard, if you'd prefer) would ask for the Enterprise's computer to dim a room's lights? It was a fascinating example of what future technology would someday be capable of doing. Greg "OverloadUT" Laabs has started investigating the process, in particular, controlling lights with a computer.

Hello, Meet Lola