All Stories Tagged: Amplitude Studios, Page 4

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Dungeon of the Endless mixes roguelike and tower defense

One of the most pleasing returnees in this current cycle of retro revivalism is the roguelike, and how pleasant it is seeing what the RPG genre gets smooshed with to make weird roguelikelikes. Endless Space developer Amplitude Studios has bred it with tower defense to make Dungeon of the Endless, revealed for PC during Gamescom.

Endless Space: Disharmony expansion announced

All right, you filthy freeloaders. You've enjoyed four free DLC packs for Endless Space but now it's time you open your wallets. Publisher Iceberg today announced Amplitude's 4X space strategy game is getting a proper expansion pack named Disharmony this summer, bringing a new race, improved AI, expanded invasions and more for the jolly reasonable price of $10.

4X strategy Endless Space blasts off next week

Is there something missing in your life, something you can't quite place your finger on? It may very be what psychologists refer to as a 'space-based 4X strategy void.' Treatment, then, may come in the form of Endless Space, which publisher Iceberg has announced will hit PC on July 4.

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