GDC 2013 News


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Divekick: the best (and only) two-button fighter for PS3 and Vita

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 25, 2013 10:00pm PDT

Divekick may be our Game of the Show. One True Game Studios' two-button fighter may have initially started as a parody of the fighting genre, but it has so much charm and nail-biting depth, that it's actually a remarkable fighting game of its own.


"I didn't realise that there weren't any movement buttons, even. Hilarious!"

- crummynz see all 2 comments

Spelunky coming to PS3 and PS Vita

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 25, 2013 9:30pm PDT

XBLA Spelunky is coming to PS3 and Vita with "new exclusive features."


"did pick it up..i also played the original pc version. Just wish they'd offer dlc or an ..."

- deathofrats see all 10 comments

Primal Carnage: Genesis brings dinosaurs to PS4 and PC

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 25, 2013 9:18pm PDT

Primal Carnage: Genesis is an episodic Unreal Engine 4-powered first-person shooter for PS4 and PC.


"man that fighter was awesome. it was near the end of the snes life so it wasnt as popular"

- Chandler55 see all 7 comments

Blacklight: Retribution brings free-to-play to PS4

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 25, 2013 9:03pm PDT

At its "Indie Arcade" event at GDC 2013, Sony revealed the first "Pub Fund" game for PlayStation 4: Blacklight Retribution.


"You can also rent them with in-game earned credits. Blacklight has got a good balance going IMO ..."

- moe6 see all 4 comments

Countdown to the IGF 2013: FTL - Faster Than Light

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 22, 2013 5:00pm PDT

Every weekday, we'll be taking a look at a finalist for the IGF Seumas McNally Grand Prize. Today: FTL - Faster Than Light


"Don't feel bad. That is probably one of the nicest ways they could go. And believe me, they will ..."

- txfeinbergs see all 3 comments

Countdown to the IGF 2013: Cart Life

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 21, 2013 11:45am PDT

Every weekday, we'll be taking a look at a finalist for the IGF Seumas McNally Grand Prize. Today: Cart Life


Battlefield 4 to be unveiled at GDC

By Andrew Yoon, Mar 15, 2013 11:55am PDT

We all know Battlefield 4 is a thing. But finally, we'll get a good hard look at DICE's shooter at the Game Developer's Conference later this month.


"BC2 wasn't awful - the SP campaign was surprisingly well-written and enjoyable - but the lack of ..."

- wytefang see all 59 comments

Report: Developers increasingly 'indie,' focusing on open platforms

By Andrew Yoon, Feb 28, 2013 1:45pm PST

A "State of the Industry" survey conducted for the Game Developers Conference reveals that more and more devs consider themselves "indie" and are moving away from console development.


"Wait, developers are favoring a production where there's creative freedom and the profits of the ..."

- asianwaste see all 4 comments

BioWare founders to get Lifetime Achievement Award at GDC

By John Keefer, Feb 11, 2013 3:30pm PST

Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk may have retired from game development, but the founders of BioWare will be getting some well-deserved recognition next month for "some of the most emotionally-engaging and beloved games ever made."


Game Developers Choice Awards nominees announced

By Steve Watts, Jan 25, 2013 9:30am PST

The Game Developers Choice Awards nominees have been announced. Journey leads with six nominations including Game of the Year.


IGF 2013 award finalists announced

By Steve Watts, Jan 07, 2013 10:45am PST

The Independent Games Festival (IGF) has announced its finalists for this year's awards. The grand prize nominees include FTL, Hotline Miami, Little Inferno, Cart Life, and Kentucky Route Zero.


"Correction: Last year Fez won stole the Seumas McNally prize."

- NickDelios see all 2 comments