You'll Still Have To Buy Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Even If You Own Bulletstorm
Probably goes without saying, but here you have it.
If you already own Bulletstorm and were hoping you'd automatically get an upgrade to Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition, the Pitchford's got you again. It's not going to happen.
The remastered version is going to be released for both PC and consoles, and because it's a simple remaster with a bit of adde content, fans assumed that Gearbox might be in the business of offering it for free or at the very least some sort of upgrade to those who had already purchased the game before when it originally released.
Gearbox head Randy Pitchford was quick to shoot that down, tweeting to users asking about if the upgrade would come for free that it couldn't happen: "Not possible – completely different publisher, era, platform (they were Games for Windows only), product/sku, etc."
It makes sense, of course, so if that's something that will keep you from picking up this copy you may want to keep that in mind. I bought the original game when it first came out, and now I'm really questioning whether I want a second copy just for Duke. He's one of my favorite characters and all, but I don't know if I can justify another copy of Bulletstorm when it was pretty disappointing to begin with. What do you think?
Brittany Vincent posted a new article, You'll Still Have To Buy Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Even If You Own Bulletstorm
$5 and under Steam sale or no deal. I already bought this shitty game once. The novelty of playing it with Duke is the only interest I have and that could have been accomplished with mods if this shitty game had any support/hadn't been a commercial failure upon first release.
I'm not as anti Pitchford/Gearbox as most people are but they have little desire to foster goodwill among their customers. I get that there's costs to recoup and profits to be made but a little bit of love goes a long way.
For instance: had Duke World Tour gave even a small discount to owners of the vastly superior Megaton Edition, I most likely would have bought it. And that might have even got me to say "You know, Bulletstorm kinda sucked but I'd be up for seeing if Duke makes it suck less" and buy the Full Clip edition, even if there was no discount. Or vice versa: had the lesser-than Duke World Tour been full price but existing owners of Bulletstorm got something other than the finger, I might have softened my stance and bought World Tour.
I would have hoped that their VP of Marketing would have a better understanding of how to rebuild a damaged/weakened IP from a tarnished company, but that's doesn't seem to be the case. -
Again, I point out Darksiders Warmastered Edition. Completely different publisher and a different era yet they gave it away for free to current owners. Which is not and should not be the expected standard, but they did it just a few days ago, and you know, especially with that in direct view $50+Duke DLC seems pretty steep, even the flat $42.50 to pre-order is tough to swallow.
Also, Games for Windows Live as "platform" is just an excuse, most everyone else patched that trash out ages ago because it was the right thing to do, even Iron Brigade managed to do it and that game probably lost money.-
Actually, they did.
But through a complex loop to check if you bought the base game and the dlc:
(Which I discovered this summer and it blew my mind that no one talked about it)
Dunno about all markets, but their menu is pretty varied
The Pitchford's restaurant