No Man's Sky's concurrent players drop by 89 percent

Remember when rabid fans proclaimed it the last game they'd ever need to buy?


Just over a week ago, over 212,000 concurrent players were exploring No Man's Sky's 18 quintillion planets together (sort of) on Steam. According to new statistics, concurrent players have plummeted by 89 percent, to just shy of 23,000.

Specifically, the count of 22,935 represents peak concurrent players within the last 24 hours.

Why is No Man's Sky shedding players? Take your pick: vague and superlative marketing that raised the bar impossibly high, mixed reviews among both consumers and critics, a plethora of performance issues and other bugs, only some of which have been resolved. And, let's face it: even the hottest game only stays hot for a short time before giving way to the next big thing. It could be a simple matter of No Man's Sky passing its crown to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

One will have to follow statistics month by month to get a more accurate assessment of how No Man's Sky stacks up, of course. Even so, that's a staggering drop-off for the game that many hoped would last them the rest of their lifetime.

Source: Crave Online

Long Reads Editor

David L. Craddock writes fiction, nonfiction, and grocery lists. He is the author of the Stay Awhile and Listen series, and the Gairden Chronicles series of fantasy novels for young adults. Outside of writing, he enjoys playing Mario, Zelda, and Dark Souls games, and will be happy to discuss at length the myriad reasons why Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series. Follow him online at and @davidlcraddock.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 24, 2016 12:33 PM

    David Craddock posted a new article, No Man's Sky's concurrent players drop by 89 percent

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 12:42 PM

      Oh god, why are people still talking about this? THIS HAPPENS FOR EVERY GAME.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:00 PM

        To the same degree or less? I would suspect it is worse with NMS because there's only so much you can do before the game becomes dull. Once you have all the upgrades, there's no point in mining, trading, upgrading inventory space, upgrading your ship, or making money. The center of the universe isn't worth the time jumping towards it, either.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:55 PM

        THIS. So much this. As someone who worked at an MMO Developer/Publisher, this is exceedingly common and even predictable. NMS may not be an MMO, but has plenty of the strappings. The 'looky-loos' bounce after a few weeks until you rest on your true player base.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 2:24 PM

        Did it happen for ...Der Witcher 3?

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 6:48 PM

        not this fast.

      • reply
        August 25, 2016 3:04 AM

        Talking about games on shacknews is frowned upon!

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 12:44 PM

      'people beat or move on from game. Stop playing.'

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 12:48 PM

      Now if only just as many people would stop bitching about NMS...

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 12:53 PM

        we have an app dev at work who brings it up every fucking day, i swear imma strangle him

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 1:05 PM

          I'm so tired of it. I wish more Shackers would just ignore NMS threads, instead of rehashing the same crap.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 12:52 PM

      I don't think this qualifies as newsworthy information.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 12:55 PM

        You know how when you're paid to do a job, you do the job regardless of your feelings about it? Yeah?

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 12:57 PM

          Don't get defensive about every stupid post people make, David. You and your articles are appreciated. Save your strength.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 12:58 PM

            Thanks! :) Believe me, I'm not even the slightest bit miffed. Just kind of surprised people don't know how this aspect of the business works by now, and that those same people have enough free time to make a "THIS IS NEWS?!?! LOL" post.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 1:00 PM

            It's nothing personal. Someone thought this was newsworthy and I just don't understand how, unless they think fostering even more hate toward this game is somehow valuable. That's not the Shacknews I know and love.

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 1:06 PM

              I think it's newsworthy. Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising, something like a second week drop for a major blockbuster (but those always get reported on too!). Something tells me only a NMS apologist would get upset about an article like this.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:10 PM

                Whether or not I like the game is irrelevant. Also, Shacknews doesn't post this statistic for every major game release, even those with mixed/poor receptions. Something prompted this one specifically and I would love to know what the motivation behind it was.

                • reply
                  August 24, 2016 1:18 PM

                  Right now you get a lot of traffic if your article contains the words no man's sky.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:22 PM

                    Just look at the number of posts in this thread! It's not a mystery.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:24 PM

                    I suppose that's probably it. I'd rather see something more positive though, rather than a headline that basically says "All these people stopped playing the game after two weeks", implying that it must be shit and not worth anyone's time. Nevermind that the same fucking thing happened with nuDoom:

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:36 PM

                I just find it interesting because I can't recall ever seeing this kind of news article about a singleplayer games audience before. It's nonsensical.

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 12:59 PM

          Of course. That fact doesn't actually address what I said though.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 1:05 PM

            What do you deem newsworthy?

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 1:07 PM

              Actual news? Posting this is like saying the sky was blue today. There is nothing significant about this statistic to warrant posting, except maybe to try and farm clicks by fanning the flames of hate for this game. That's not the kind of reporting I want to see anywhere.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:10 PM

                I wasn’t readily aware of the concurrent player drop of NMS to have gone down 89%. Apparently I should have auto known this as easily as I should know the sky is blue. Its not really fanning flames in my eyes so much as its showing just how much hate there seems to be fore the game in a quantifiable way, instead of just going off number of replies in a NMS hate post.

                • reply
                  August 24, 2016 1:11 PM

                  All game releases see a precipitous drop in concurrent players in the weeks following release, except perhaps major multiplayer games. Why single this one out?

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:12 PM

                    Maybe because the game has been in the news recently?

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:13 PM

                      Plenty of other games have been, and for similar reasons, but I don't recall seeing an entire article dedicated to the completely normal player declines.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 1:24 PM

                        You should request David write one for the next game that comes along!

                        It's clearly a topic of note and an interesting read given the reaction so far.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 1:26 PM


                        • reply
                          August 24, 2016 1:27 PM

                          Easy enough to see for yourself on steamdb.

                          • reply
                            August 24, 2016 6:16 PM

                            Exactly. So you can go look at steamdb and see how much other hyped and well liked releases fair against this and realize that this is actually a pretty big drop. That makes it news.

                            • reply
                              August 24, 2016 7:51 PM

                              So the article failed to provide essential context. It's bad either way.

                              • reply
                                August 24, 2016 7:54 PM

                                Well I can't argue against that. Definitely would have been nice if they'd have mentioned what normal decline looked like.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:56 PM

                    For it to have been SO anticipated, I think it bears looking at.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:12 PM

                if you don't like it move on to the next post, they can't cater to all of us. jesus christ

                • reply
                  August 24, 2016 1:14 PM

                  I was under the impression that these comments could be used to discuss the articles posted, but perhaps I was mistaken.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:24 PM


            • reply
              August 24, 2016 1:12 PM

              Stories that are informative or significant to the audience here.

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 1:16 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 1:07 PM

            fucking lol

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 1:11 PM

            nobody gives a fuck what you think is newsworthy.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 1:16 PM

            This website's content doesn't cater specifically to you, though, and your comment doesn't raise the discourse or help the website or community in any way.

            So there's that?

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 1:19 PM

              I made no comment about whether this caters to my interests. Just that it's not newsworthy. I'm speaking about the Shacknews audience.

              This article is more likely to mislead people than anything else.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:22 PM


                • reply
                  August 24, 2016 1:24 PM

                  Where did I suggest this issue was not open for discussion or debate? I'm the one being told to shut up in this thread.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:26 PM


                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:27 PM

                      I said the article wasn't newsworthy, ergo I shared my feelings about the piece. I never said we can't debate its merits.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 1:38 PM


                        • reply
                          August 24, 2016 1:42 PM

                          There was nothing inflammatory about my comment. You've reacted like a child in this thread though, so bravo I guess.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:23 PM

                How is it misleading?

                I don't play No Man's Sky, so literally everything I read about it is from Shacknews articles.

                • reply
                  August 24, 2016 1:25 PM

                  The implication of the article is that No Man's Sky has experienced a more severe drop off than other games, or that other games don't even receive a drop off.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:26 PM

                    This! Why is this newsworthy for No Man's Sky? The same thing happened for Doom and I don't remember seeing any articles about its concurrent player drop-off:

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:34 PM

                      Well the popular opinion of DooM was basically the opposite of NMS, both before and after their respective releases.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 1:35 PM

                        Yes, and that supports the point I've been trying to make: this statistic is irrelevant. The player decline is pretty much the same regardless of the game's reception.

                        • reply
                          August 24, 2016 1:36 PM

                          That's a good point if the data actually backs it up.

                          • reply
                            August 24, 2016 1:43 PM

                            I would say there's a bit of a difference just between the two games mentioned, NMS had about a 80% drop off in a week, whereas DooM had around a 43% drop off in the same amount of time.

                            • reply
                              August 24, 2016 1:51 PM

                              These figures are pretty interesting. Fallout 4 had about a 38% drop off in a week. Stardew Valley had between a 10-34% drop off depending on if you're looking at a week timeframe or from a the first peak to the first valley, respectively.

                              • reply
                                August 24, 2016 2:18 PM

                                And then Starbound had a 31% drop off a week after the 1.0 release. I havent quite figured out how to see figures on this site more than a year out.

                                • reply
                                  August 24, 2016 2:28 PM

                                  Witcher 3 had about a 38% drop off from the second peak to the second valley (appears to be the largest drop off within the first few weeks)

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 2:00 PM

                      Apparently Starbound just had a similar spike with recent ... patch(?) full release from EA(?). But that's the first drop in the 80s I can think of hearing about

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 2:03 PM

                      Not agreeing or disagreeing that this is newsworthy, but doom is different. Multiplayer was dead before launch and since, the only thing left is single player, it makes sense that doom's concurrency would drop off.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 8:45 PM

                        NMS is a single player exploration game with a lot of repetition. I'd expect it to have a similar dropoff to a ~8-10 hour game.

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 1:37 PM

                    Eh, I disagree, but I get irked when I see a game I love being reported as something of a failure so I feel you.

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:38 PM

                      Wisp! Actually hates NMS though and doesn't even own it.

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:40 PM

                      Never played this game.

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 1:48 PM

                      I hesitate to even call it a failure. It has sold almost 800k copies on Steam, which is very not bad for a $60 release from such a small studio. But the media reaction seems to be "shitting on this game gets us clicks" so we get all these articles about how awful it is and how everyone hates it.

                      NMS is very far from perfect, but neither it nor Hello Games deserves the way they're being treated by the media.

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 2:25 PM


                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 2:26 PM

                        Might want to revise that to be "failing" or you will get piled with those WoW articles about how they shed a couple million users and it is still wildly successful.

                      • reply
                        August 24, 2016 6:43 PM

                        I just meant it's not a misleading article in my mind. It's pretty on par with other game articles like this after a game that is billed to be a really long title comes out. It's my opinion of the article so I don't have data to back that up beyond myself.

                        *jazz hands*

                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 2:16 PM


                  • reply
                    August 24, 2016 2:28 PM

                    I think your problem is that you said "newsworthy" when your core problem was the context and style with which it was presented. If the context was there you wouldn't have really complained, but as it was placed it was there for the narrative currently riding about the game.

                    • reply
                      August 24, 2016 2:36 PM

                      "Game experiences drop off in players after first week" is not newsworthy. "Hyped game experienced larger than average drop off in players after first week" is a little more newsworthy. Context helps to establish whether a story is newsworthy.

              • reply
                August 24, 2016 1:26 PM

                It's newsworthy to me. Why don't you give me some other concurrent player figures so I can have the full context here, if you think the article is misleading?

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 11:28 PM

          Nothing against you or your writing. I like your work, but Im just tired of hearing about this game.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:10 PM

        It's a recent popular game, sure it does

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:12 PM

        It was news to me, and I find it interesting.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:22 PM


      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:47 PM


        • reply
          August 24, 2016 1:50 PM

          This isn't my first time at the rodeo. People would flip out when I criticized articles back in the GameFly era. The site's content was wretched then. It has improved somewhat, but it's still not up to the standards of some of its competitors like RPS, Polygon, or Eurogamer.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 2:14 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 2:15 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 3:14 PM

            I'll give you Eurogamer but Polygon? The only thing readable there is the long form and that's at best a once a month interval.

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 4:01 PM

              Yes, Polygon. The quality of their written content is superior, and they exercise better judgment in their editorial decision making. They are of course a larger website with more resources, so they are able to attract better talent to work for them. Shacknews appears to have a high attrition rate among its staff, which can't help the situation. If I had to highlight one failure here, it would be letting RPS scoop up Alice O'Connor. Shacknews can't afford to lose strong voices like hers.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:58 PM

        LOL, sure it is.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 6:31 PM


      • reply
        August 24, 2016 11:04 PM

        Welcome to No Man's Pokémonews

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 11:26 PM

        Wisp dropping truth bombs.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:12 PM

      Serious question, how does this compare to other recent major releases?

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:15 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:18 PM

      Is that information available for all games? How far back does it go?

      I'm curious to know how that trend fits with other games, maybe give it a 'genre' axis. And also integrate with how long it takes to beat on average, was it single or multi-player game, etc.

      Not shitting on the article - I'm just genuinely curious how much of this trend can be attributed to NMS being the kind of game it is, vs the issues it's had since launch. Maybe everyone swapped over to playing Deus Ex or WoW:Legion or something else shiny that came out this week?

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:32 PM

        The numbers on something like the new WoW expansion would be pretty interesting, I think. It's too bad that they don’t really report those numbers anymore.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 1:34 PM is a great resource for this kind of information.

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 1:51 PM

          I was hoping for something with some programmatic access. I want to play with numbers.

          Hmm. They have to get it from somewhere, too. Maybe there's a Steam API that's available? I'll have to dig when I get home from work tonight. Maybe I can put something fun together!

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:44 PM

      So what you're saying is *puts on shades* we have here is No One's Sky. YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:57 PM

      all I know is i had fairly low expectations for this game and i was still disappointed.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 2:03 PM

        same. its super boring.

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 2:06 PM

          i was expecting boring and i think it's fairly engaging for what it is. but i don't like the art design and look of its universe at all. it may be infinite but it's mostly pretty ugly. i didn't expect that. it makes me not want to explore it.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 1:59 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 2:04 PM

      Considering the hype,this is kind of a big deal for Hello Games more than anyone else.

      If they were planning paid DLC,then a drop like that could mean a major loss in revenue.

      I've personally noticed that only two of my friends on my PSN friends list are actually still playing this game.I thought there would be a drop off,but not this fast and this many.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 2:07 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 2:08 PM

      I wonder what a typical drop is for a single player game. 89% does seem awfully high for game as apparently limitless as this.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 2:19 PM

        Just going by steamdb numbers (which seems to be where they got this figure from), it seems on average you see on average between 30-40% drop off a week after release.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 2:22 PM


      • reply
        August 24, 2016 2:24 PM

        SO glad I waited to buy this game. I knew it looked cool and fascinating but whenever I'd watch it on something just rubbed me the wrong way.... like it was just kinda like....... boring? I'm going to get it when its dirt cheap and is close to being finished

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 2:29 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 2:30 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 2:42 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 4:25 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 6:36 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 6:39 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 6:43 PM

            TINY RICK!

            • reply
              August 24, 2016 10:04 PM

              I live sleepy's post, I love this reply, I love the shack, I love everyone! I've had two beers. I might be a lightweight.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 9:57 PM

            I can't not read this in Lil Jon's voice.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 10:10 PM


            • reply
              August 24, 2016 10:27 PM

              dude TRUST ME those guys are swimming in hookers and mountains of coke right now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Kaz Hirai bought all the YACHTS and the SHOTS and the LIQUOR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LETS GO MAKE THAT BITCH PUT IT DOWN PUT THE ASS IN THA AIR MAKE IT MUTHAFUCKIN RAIN LIKE YA JUST DONT CARE //MAKE A BAD SPACE SIM FOR SOME MUTHERFUCKIN CUCKS AND MAKE A FACE LIKE YA DO WHEN SHE SUCKIN WHEN YOU NUT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 10:13 PM


          • reply
            August 24, 2016 10:38 PM

            pretty much, once the money is gone opinions dont really matter, only voice is the wallet.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 10:42 PM

            I like you. You're funny.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 2:28 PM

      I got what I expected out of it. I had fun learning the different languages, and hearing the story of how Korvax were exploring the edges of the galaxy, most of them far from home. The First Spawn figured out the Korvax homeworld was unprotected, and then The First Spawn of the Gek kicked the Korvax ass. And while that was going on how the Vy'keen & Hirk went to war with the Sentinels, and were actually winning. But then the First Spawn betrayed their Peace Treaty with the Vy'Keen and kicked the Vy'Keen ass because they were weakened with the long Sentinel war. And Hirk sacrificed himself rather than go down to the First Spawn. BUT Then how the Sentinels exterminated the First Spawn leadership while they were celebrating being masters of the universe and then absorbed what was left of the Gek, making them work for the Sentinels. The what was left of the Korvax got ahold of some Atlas tech, most of them went insane, and they were left helpless,and had to bow down to the Sentinels to be healed. What's left of the Vy'keen are either hunting down Sentinels continuing their old war, or hunting Gek for their betrayal.

      • reply
        August 24, 2016 2:41 PM


        • reply
          August 24, 2016 2:48 PM

          I'm in this camp. There is a serious lack of space shit to see on the PS4 and I'm grateful for NMS just for that.

          • reply
            August 24, 2016 3:00 PM

            Rebel Galaxy for PS4 is free with Playstation Plus this month. Go play that!

        • reply
          August 24, 2016 3:06 PM

          I am having a lot of fun just wandering around. Each planet is its own weird, which is great.

        • reply
          August 25, 2016 3:56 PM

          Yeah, me too. It's my chill out game. I play it every day for a bit just cruising around and loving it.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 6:47 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 7:18 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 7:39 PM
      But compared to other, better-received recent releases, NMS may not be cratering as badly as it appears. Far Cry Primal, for instance, saw its peak player count slide 82 percent over its first month of release; Fallout 4 dropped by 74 percent; Doom fell by 85 percent; Battleborn slid by 82 percent; Stellaris dropped by 82 percent; even The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which we recently placed atop our Top 100 Games list, saw its peak player count slide by 71 percent during its first month of release.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 8:40 PM


    • reply
      August 24, 2016 10:08 PM


      • reply
        August 25, 2016 7:34 AM

        Not quite dead just yet,but it's getting there. You actually responded to my post,and I'll revise what I said before. I figured that this game would be where it's at now by year's end. Now I don't see it even making it through the year. Dec. 31,this game will more than likely be all but completely dead.

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 10:30 PM

      So this is a 90% drop of steam users, which is what, 1/5th of the entire NMS population?

    • reply
      August 24, 2016 10:41 PM

      Glad I avoided this turd. Never caught my interest, looked pretty lame. Looks like a mix of that pokemon camera game and spore

    • reply
      August 25, 2016 3:46 AM

      I stopped playing the game because my house flooded.

      • reply
        August 25, 2016 6:18 AM

        Still more fun than NMS

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