No Man's Sky's concurrent players drop by 89 percent
Remember when rabid fans proclaimed it the last game they'd ever need to buy?
Just over a week ago, over 212,000 concurrent players were exploring No Man's Sky's 18 quintillion planets together (sort of) on Steam. According to new statistics, concurrent players have plummeted by 89 percent, to just shy of 23,000.
Specifically, the count of 22,935 represents peak concurrent players within the last 24 hours.
Why is No Man's Sky shedding players? Take your pick: vague and superlative marketing that raised the bar impossibly high, mixed reviews among both consumers and critics, a plethora of performance issues and other bugs, only some of which have been resolved. And, let's face it: even the hottest game only stays hot for a short time before giving way to the next big thing. It could be a simple matter of No Man's Sky passing its crown to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
One will have to follow statistics month by month to get a more accurate assessment of how No Man's Sky stacks up, of course. Even so, that's a staggering drop-off for the game that many hoped would last them the rest of their lifetime.
Source: Crave Online
David Craddock posted a new article, No Man's Sky's concurrent players drop by 89 percent
To the same degree or less? I would suspect it is worse with NMS because there's only so much you can do before the game becomes dull. Once you have all the upgrades, there's no point in mining, trading, upgrading inventory space, upgrading your ship, or making money. The center of the universe isn't worth the time jumping towards it, either.
I suppose that's probably it. I'd rather see something more positive though, rather than a headline that basically says "All these people stopped playing the game after two weeks", implying that it must be shit and not worth anyone's time. Nevermind that the same fucking thing happened with nuDoom:
I wasn’t readily aware of the concurrent player drop of NMS to have gone down 89%. Apparently I should have auto known this as easily as I should know the sky is blue. Its not really fanning flames in my eyes so much as its showing just how much hate there seems to be fore the game in a quantifiable way, instead of just going off number of replies in a NMS hate post.
This! Why is this newsworthy for No Man's Sky? The same thing happened for Doom and I don't remember seeing any articles about its concurrent player drop-off:
I hesitate to even call it a failure. It has sold almost 800k copies on Steam, which is very not bad for a $60 release from such a small studio. But the media reaction seems to be "shitting on this game gets us clicks" so we get all these articles about how awful it is and how everyone hates it.
NMS is very far from perfect, but neither it nor Hello Games deserves the way they're being treated by the media. -
Yes, Polygon. The quality of their written content is superior, and they exercise better judgment in their editorial decision making. They are of course a larger website with more resources, so they are able to attract better talent to work for them. Shacknews appears to have a high attrition rate among its staff, which can't help the situation. If I had to highlight one failure here, it would be letting RPS scoop up Alice O'Connor. Shacknews can't afford to lose strong voices like hers.
Is that information available for all games? How far back does it go?
I'm curious to know how that trend fits with other games, maybe give it a 'genre' axis. And also integrate with how long it takes to beat on average, was it single or multi-player game, etc.
Not shitting on the article - I'm just genuinely curious how much of this trend can be attributed to NMS being the kind of game it is, vs the issues it's had since launch. Maybe everyone swapped over to playing Deus Ex or WoW:Legion or something else shiny that came out this week?- is a great resource for this kind of information.
Might want to have a look at what this site does too.
Considering the hype,this is kind of a big deal for Hello Games more than anyone else.
If they were planning paid DLC,then a drop like that could mean a major loss in revenue.
I've personally noticed that only two of my friends on my PSN friends list are actually still playing this game.I thought there would be a drop off,but not this fast and this many. -
dude TRUST ME those guys are swimming in hookers and mountains of coke right now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Kaz Hirai bought all the YACHTS and the SHOTS and the LIQUOR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LETS GO MAKE THAT BITCH PUT IT DOWN PUT THE ASS IN THA AIR MAKE IT MUTHAFUCKIN RAIN LIKE YA JUST DONT CARE //MAKE A BAD SPACE SIM FOR SOME MUTHERFUCKIN CUCKS AND MAKE A FACE LIKE YA DO WHEN SHE SUCKIN WHEN YOU NUT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I got what I expected out of it. I had fun learning the different languages, and hearing the story of how Korvax were exploring the edges of the galaxy, most of them far from home. The First Spawn figured out the Korvax homeworld was unprotected, and then The First Spawn of the Gek kicked the Korvax ass. And while that was going on how the Vy'keen & Hirk went to war with the Sentinels, and were actually winning. But then the First Spawn betrayed their Peace Treaty with the Vy'Keen and kicked the Vy'Keen ass because they were weakened with the long Sentinel war. And Hirk sacrificed himself rather than go down to the First Spawn. BUT Then how the Sentinels exterminated the First Spawn leadership while they were celebrating being masters of the universe and then absorbed what was left of the Gek, making them work for the Sentinels. The what was left of the Korvax got ahold of some Atlas tech, most of them went insane, and they were left helpless,and had to bow down to the Sentinels to be healed. What's left of the Vy'keen are either hunting down Sentinels continuing their old war, or hunting Gek for their betrayal.
But compared to other, better-received recent releases, NMS may not be cratering as badly as it appears. Far Cry Primal, for instance, saw its peak player count slide 82 percent over its first month of release; Fallout 4 dropped by 74 percent; Doom fell by 85 percent; Battleborn slid by 82 percent; Stellaris dropped by 82 percent; even The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which we recently placed atop our Top 100 Games list, saw its peak player count slide by 71 percent during its first month of release. -
Not quite dead just yet,but it's getting there. You actually responded to my post,and I'll revise what I said before. I figured that this game would be where it's at now by year's end. Now I don't see it even making it through the year. Dec. 31,this game will more than likely be all but completely dead.