Cities: Skylines helped couple learn potential home was dangerous

Cities: Skylines was used by this couple to help learn that their potential future home would have been destroyed in just a matter of years.


Cities: Skylines has helped many of us understand the ins and outs of city planning and learning what really happens in our cities once the sun goes down. But for one couple, it helped them from purchasing a home located in an A-1 flood zone.

Earlier this month, the team behind Cities: Skylines held a Reddit AMA where they answered a number of questions from the community. One Reddit user decided to share her and her husband’s story where Cities: Skylines saved them from potentially making a disastrous purchase.

“A few months ago my husband and I were in the process of buying a house, and we were also super into Cities Skylines,” girswoldisorange writes. “My husband was trying to recreate our hometown and imported the map and topography, and we found out the house we were going to buy was in an A-1 flood zone. It hadn't been disclosed to us by the sellers but on the Cities Skylines map it was actually underwater! Seeing that made us do some research we never would have otherwise, and saved us from buying a house that would have been destroyed in the next big hurricane.”

If this story turns out to be true, then it would be an extremely impressive feat by the team behind Cities: Skylines to offer such an accurate real-world representation. So while you’re filling your cities with an unhealthy amount of roundabouts, know that someone out there used the very game you’re playing to do something way more productive with it.

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