World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria preview
We get an in-depth peek at the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria, and talk with some of its lead developers about the new continent, races, and new Monk character class, as well as some new systems like Pet Battles, and Challenges.

Just like Jet Li, but fuzzier.

The Pandaren are a powerful, Zen-like race that will find itself in the middle of the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance.

The landscapes in Pandaria are quite striking, with a variety of different Asian influences on display throughout the continent.

A Hozen. You'll beat the tar out of a lot of these guys in Pandaria.
Jeff Mattas posted a new article, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria preview.
We get an in-depth peek at the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria, and talk with some of its lead developers about the new continent, races, and new Monk character class, as well as some new systems like Pet Battles, and Challenges.-
The recent Scroll of Ressurection changes (combind with SW:ToR getting boring rather quickly) got me to re-sub again.
Been revisiting PvP and Arena's for the first time in a long time.
Actually been having a lot of fun with it despite how tired I'd grown of it.
Still though Mists of Pandaland doesn't really interest me.
This might, just might, be the first WoW expansion I don't even try out. Nothing out of the features really pushes my buttons and the whole theme is "off" for me. I really really wish Blizzard would do whatever it takes to get real world PvP into the game, that's the one thing I'd go and try for sure.
The kind found in DAoC or WAR for example. Areas, forts and other conquerable things that are persistent, fights between guilds / realms for the control of those things. Something you'd be able to classify as "warfare", instead of a bunch of instances which have no relevance in anything except gathering points for your next upgrade.
Well, WAR's open world pvp wasn't exactly good or even passable. The shit was fucked for the first six or so months after release, but almost the entire population had bailed after one or two.
Not really a derp reply. Real open world pvp tends to be fucked unless there's something in place to balance populations, but won't happen so long as companies stick with the hard two-faction model. -
Same here. Even though I haven't played in about 6 months, I was still planning on coming back for the next expansion. I honestly don't see anything besides the Monk class that would make me want to play again.
Is there no main antagonist and story behind this expansion? Is everyone just peacefully enjoying the new zones and doing kung-fu? -
It's been dead since flying mounts showed up.
I've felt for awhile that flying mounts should be something you can only get on while you're in a city, and once you've dismounted you're stuck on a ground mount. The existence of flying mount has really taken a heavy toll on the flow of the outdoor world, trivializing questing, nuking PvP, and eliminating most of the significance of the flow of the game world. Really bad decision on their part.-
Plus, that's why I like the idea of flying mounts being one way. You use it to hit your destination, and from then on you kind of have to hoof it in the same dangerous world that everybody else did.
I am possibly somewhat nostalgic for classic WoW, but back then there was some actual significance to the game world. These days everybody just regards it as "outdoor content that I'm done with when I finish leveling", because even if you couldn't fly over everything, everything in the game world is fucking weak and dies in five seconds. Like questing is so easy there's virtually never a point to using cooldowns, because shit is dead almost the moment you touch it.
I don't know, parts of the old game were clunky as shit, but the game world felt like a place I wanted to explore. Now it feels like a waste of time that I have to put the time into just to do the "real" content that's tucked away behind instance portals. Presumably they did made it so trivial because they thought that challenging content frustrated their large base of people who suck at video games, and yet, the game's easier than ever and managing to lose subscribers. So go figure.
Still incorrect. They had a special mission and everything in WC3, and as far as I know there was no big fan outcry asking for it to be implemented at that time. Way back it was sort of a joke, then it was a mission in WC3, then it was included in some WoW quests back in Vanilla. Considering how the world has gotten progressively larger since it released, I'm shocked that other people didn't see this coming.
Baine for Warchief! There is no one to take over for Sylvannus though unless they bring Therion in to rule over both the Blood Elves and Undead.
It would never happen but they should make it that there is a cure for being Undead and give the player a choice of being undead or getting cured and still being tainted by the undead curse but not truely undead.
Also they need to make the non-player races that are based on current races playable like Frost Dwarves, or Fel Orcs. -
The write-up said the Alliance & Horde get into all-out war mode, and one side starts committing war crimes that causes the whole thing to go batshit insane. My guess is it's the horde who starts it under Garrosh's orders, and that causes a rebellion within the horde to restore sanity to their leadership.
In another interview, Metzen said Varian's character is going to be developed quite a bit in this expansion. Apparently one of the concepts for an encounter in the final raid is Varian ordering the attacking forces to defend horde children from Garrosh's forces, because Varian realizes the greater horde in innocent & they're there to take out Garrosh, not kill innocent horde. -
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