Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Global: Dates, cost, habitats, and raid hours
Here's everything you need to know for when Pokemon GO Fest 2024 goes Global.
It's time once again for Pokemon GO players from around the world to come together to meet like-minded fans, venture across new horizons, and catch hundreds of Pokemon. Pokemon GO Fest is one of the biggest weekends of the year, whether you're an average free-to-play user or a premium ticket holder. Shacknews has everything you need to know about this year's Pokémon GO Fest 2024 Global event.
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global dates
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global will take place on Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, Julu 14. The event will run on both days from 10:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. local time.
Rare Pokemon are set to appear throughout the weekend, many with Shiny variants. Niantic and The Pokemon Company will debut Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon in raids during the first day of Pokemon GO Fest on Saturday, July 13. In addition to this, those who have a Pokemon GO Fest ticket will receive an exclusive Special Research that will lead to a Marshadow encounter on Saturday and a Necrozma encounter on Sunday.
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global habitat hours and encounters
There are more than 70 Pokemon available during Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Global. All of the Pokemon featured during GO Fest will appear in different habitats at different hours on the event's first day. Here are the habitat hours, as well as which Pokemon will be featured:
- Dawn Meadow (10AM and 2PM): Pidgey*, Pikachu wearing a sun crown,* Hoothoot*, Hoppip*, Girafarig*, Wingull*, Snivy*, Cottonee*, Ducklett*, Ferroseed*, Axew*, Galarian Stunfisk*, Heatmor*, and Inkay*
- Shining Day (11AM and 3PM): Charmander*, Dratini*, Sunkern*, Dunsparce*, Hisuian Sneasel*, Roselia*, Solrock*, Helioptile*, Tyrunt*, Dedenne*, Yungoos*, Fomantis*, and Jangmo-o*
- Creeping Dusk (12PM and 4PM): Pikachu wearing a moon crown*, Eevee*, Spinarak*, Volbeat*, Illumise*, Gible*, Venipede*, Emolga*, Litwick*, Golett*, Durant*, Espurr, Phantump*, and Grubbin*
- Darkest Night (1PM and 5PM): Alolan Rattata*, Gligar*, Sneasel*, Teddiursa*, Mudkip*, Lunatone*, Deino*, Binacle*, Amaura*, Carbink, Crabrawler*, and Morelull
(* - Low percentage chance of a Shiny encounter)
The following Raids will be available throughout the weekend:
- One-Star Raids: Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Pikachu wearing a sun crown, and Jangmo-o
- Three-Star Raids: Espeon wearing a day scarf and Umbreon wearing a night scarf
- Five-Star Raids: Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, and Necrozma
Increase the odds of encountering different Pokemon during these two days by walking Routes and banding together with Party Play. Pokemon from all habitats will appear at all hours of GO Fest on Sunday.
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global ticket cost and benefits

Source: Niantic
Tickets for Pokemon GO Fest will sell for $14.99 USD. Ticket holders will receive the following benefits:
- Increased chance of Shiny Pokemon encounters
- Up to six Special Trades per day
- Four Collection Challenges (one for each habitat)
- Up to nine free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms
- Special 7km Eggs
- 2x friendship bonus damage in raids
- Incense will attract Unown A, D, G, H, I, N, T, and Y across all habitats. It will attract Maractus in the Dawn Meadow habitat, Corsola in the Shining Day habitat, Rockruff in the Creeping Dusk habitat, and Vullaby in the Darkest Night habitat
- Special avatar items
- Special Global XP Challenges
- Special event stickers
Pokemon GO Fest tickets can be picked up as an in-app purchase or through the Pokemon GO Web Store.
That's everything you need to know about Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global. Niantic has further details on the Pokemon GO Fest website.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Global: Dates, cost, habitats, and raid hours
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I've been gearing up for Pokémon GO Fest 2024, and this guide is exactly what I needed to plan my weekend. It's not just about catching Pokémon; it's about the whole experience—exploring, meeting other players, and enjoying the festivities. The introduction of Necrozma in raids sounds thrilling! It’s these events that make the game continuously exciting. For those interested in a blend of virtual and real-world gaming, check out https://theenterpriseworld.com/ricky-online-casino-a-glorious-kingdom/ for more on immersive entertainment experiences.