Best Thena decks - Marvel Snap
Thena is the Spotlight card for the first week of Marvel Snap's June 2024 season. We take a look at some of the best decks to include her.
Marvel Snap is diving into The Celestials' Finest for this June 2024 season. While the opening week saw the release of the Season Pass card, Gilgamesh, it's not the only new card joining the rotation. Thena, the Eternals' battlefield strategist, is available as part of this week's Spotlight cards. We're taking a look at her right now.
Thena looks curious on the surface, coming in as a 2-Cost card with just 1 Power. She gains an addition +3 Power on every turn that the player lays down two and only two cards. Some might wonder how this makes her better than Angela? Others have realized that her place just might be with Angela.
Best Thena Decks - Marvel Snap
ZombiesGoNomNom's Tempo Deck

This deck doesn't look like anything flashy, but who needs to eb flashy when it works? ZombiesGoNomNom managed to ride this deck all the way to the #1 spot on the Marvel Snap leaderboard. This deck was found through RegisKillbin's latest video and, as noted earlier, does a good job of mixing together Angela and Thena, while featuring some strong cards that work best when played two at a time.
Kitty Pryde is the main driver here, able to buff Angela while cheap enough to combine with any other card to keep Thena's numbers going up. Ravonna Renslayer does a good enough job in lowering the cost of some of these cards, including the 0-Power Sage. Meanwhile, Elsa Bloodstone helps buff the numbers of some key cards, like Kitty and Jeff the Baby Land Shark.
It didn't pop in game but it did on the leaderboard so I'm counting it.
— ZombiesGoNomNom (@ZombiesGoNomNom) June 5, 2024
#1 BABY! 🥳
Tried to keep going but the queues are 5 min+ rn so it doesn't seem possible to bridge the gap again but still super happy with the SP and the deck!
Thena is bae, play this before it gets popular.
The critical components of this deck are its tech cards. Luke Cage prevents power reduction from those pesky High Evo decks, but more than that, it keeps your cards safe from the two-way debuffs that come from U.S. Agent and Shadow King. Plus, Shang Chi... well, he's Shang Chi. What can be said about him that hasn't already been said?
Alexander Coccia's Disruption Deck

As it turns out, Thena isn't a bad choice for the typical Darkhawk disruption deck. Alexander Coccia stepped into the lab and came up with this deck, one that (again) utilizes both Thena and Angela and maximizes both to their strengths.
This is played like most typical Darkhawk decks. Play Korg, play Rock Slide, and fill your opponent's deck with junk. The difference is, you're playing two cards at a time. Ravonna Renslayer is in place to not only discount Thena, but also some other big cards, like Ironheart, Sage, and Wolfsbane.
Gilgamesh is here, too, but he's more of an emergency option than anything. Even Coccia is doubtful of his ultimate viability in this type of deck.
Ozzie's Tempo Deck (kind of)

For the last deck, I built one of my own... sort of. This is where RegisKillbin makes his second roundabout appearance in this guide. Back in mid-April, Regis posted a video breaking down a deck from Safety Blade, which utilized Hope Summers, Ravonna Renslayer, Professor X, Cannonball, and Havok. Let's revisit that below.
As it turns out, this deck still works, albeit with one key substitution. I went ahead and took out Wolfsbane and subbed in Thena. I was stunned to see how well this worked, mainly because of Ravonna Renslayer. Ravonna discounts the costs of Thena, Angela, Professor X, and the most important tool in this deck: Havok.
Yes, Cannonball is still *a* win condition, but he's no longer the win condition in this deck. Instead, the goal is to lock down a location with the Ravonna-discounted Professor X and then find a spot for Havok. Havok's Energy removal isn't that much of a drawback anymore when you're looking to play two cards per turn anyway and if you do need the Energy that badly, specifically for Cannonball, then find a spot for Hope Summers.
I had a lot of fun with this deck and expect that you'll have some yourself.
Those are our top Thena decks. See what fits your style best and then be sure to follow our Marvel Snap page for the latest news and guides.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Best Thena decks - Marvel Snap