Let's talk about This Week at Bungie - January 21, 2021

Looks like Umbral Engrams are back on the menu, Guardians!


It’s still the start of the year (at least for another week or so), and that means there’s a whole world of Destiny 2 content ahead of us. In today’s This Week at Bungie, the team go into some details about how Gilded Titles will work, how Seasonal content will be sticking around a bit longer, and shine some light on your favorite Darkness-infused reward: Umbral Engrams! Let’s talk about it.

This Week at Bungie – January 21, 2021

Jumping in right away to the good stuff, Umbral Engrams are coming back. As of Season 13, Drifter’s makeshift Engrams are making their triumphant return and will continue to be in the game in Year 4. While they won’t be the optimal way to get the new seasonal rewards, what they do ensure is that players can focus on specific rewards.

twab jan 21 prismatic recaster
Umbral Engrams are making a return to Destiny 2 in Season 13.

During Season of Arrivals, the drop rate of Umbral Engrams was too high, apparently, so expect to see fewer of them next season. Bungie also notes that their sources will be diminished, but judging from the activities in which they drop, there shouldn’t be any problem getting a steady supply:

  • Patrols
  • Strikes
  • Crucible
  • Gambit
  • The Ordeal
  • Public Events
  • Blind Well
  • Nightmare Hunts
  • Exo Challenges
  • Empire Hunts
  • New Seasonal Activity

A new, account-wide quest will introduce players to the new Prismatic Recaster (and presumably the Umbral Decoder). The Recaster will also feature pages for each Season, making it easier to track down those weapons you want (here’s hoping for some Seventh Seraph gear).

As for focusing the Umbral Engrams, that will involve using Prismatic Lenses. These are earned by completing tasks and your progress toward your next Lens is tracked at the Recaster. This is the part that makes me nervous, as it sounds as if there is a resource-gate in focusing your rewards. Depending on the rate at which these are acquired, it will either be a non-issue or the community will be up in arms similar to resource limitations seen during 2020’s Festival of the Lost event.

Gilded Titles

twab gilded titles destiny 2
Gilded Titles will be a new feature arriving in Season 13 of Destiny 2.

The other hot item discussed in the TWAB is a new type of flair is coming to Destiny 2 in the form of Gilded Titles. Players that have managed to unlock Unbroken, Dredgen, Flawless, and Conqueror will be able to complete season-specific tasks to give those Titles a golden effect as well as a node tracking how many times it has been Gilded.

At the end of a season, the golden hue will fade, returning the Title to its normal color. The seasonal tasks will reset and it’ll be up to the player to unlock the new set of Triumphs should they want their Gilded Title back. As mentioned, completing it each season will reward a node showcasing how many times it has been Gilded.

Not-so-limited Seasonal content

destiny 2 season staying for longer
Players will find that Seasonal content stays around after the Season officially ends.

Much like how Easter and Christmas stuff starts popping up months before the actual events, Destiny 2 Seasonal activities will stick around a bit longer after their Seasons end. What this means is that activities like Season of the Hunt’s story missions, Wrathborne Hunts, Crow’s vendor screen, and more will be sticking around past the Season’s end date. This will ensure players have a bit more time to get anything they might have missed out on. It also means the start of each new season will feel a little fuller.

Bungie notes that because this decision was made after Season of the Hunt’s development, that there will be some inconsistencies. For example, Crow will be both in his new location and in the Tangled Shore at the same time. Any bets on where his new locale will be?

Other than some known issues surrounding the Harbinger mission, the Warden Title not unlocking, and halo.bungie.net being taking offline on February 9, there’s not much more Destiny news to digest in this week’s TWAB. Remember to stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for a whole lot of great content. 

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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