Life is Strange 2 interview: Using games to communicate

We got to speak with the developers of the Life is Strange series at SDCC 2019 about the current series and the future of the studio.


French developer Dontnod Entertainment scored a big hit back in 2015 with the release of Life is Strange, a mind-bending adventure that helped to push its genre forward and attracted an incredibly wide array of fans. The episodic delivery of the games in the series helps to keep players involved over a longer period and allows the developers to get their work out in front of the world faster than with a full-fledged release. We recently got the opportunity to speak with Raoul Barbet, Creative Director on Life is Strange 2, to learn a bit more about the creative process behind the latest release in the Life is Strange universe.

We ran into Barbet in the hall of SDCC 2019, as he was fresh of a panel discussing the series and the studio’s recent successes.

Our own Ozzie Mejia spoke at length about the series in his review of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, feeling positive overall about the experience:

“Gameplay-wise, Before the Storm knows where its bread is buttered. It's centered around learning about the world's characters and approaching situations as Chloe Price, approaching them with her brash personality.

Before the Storm's best feature as a whole has been Chloe's Backtalk, which is a mechanic that's uniquely suited to her personality. Chloe argues and is a total smartass. That's who she is. And trying to use other people's words against them is a creative idea. That's why it's unfortunate that Deck Nine seemingly held back on this mechanic for the finale. But the instances that it popped up over the course of the whole game were a total pleasure.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a beautiful journey through Chloe Price's teenage years. It's a brilliant exploration of what happens when a directionless teenager meets a special person that changes the course of their life forever. It's a journey that explores the themes of loss, love, finding one's self, and whether the road to happiness ultimately lies in truth.”

The latest episode of Life is Strange 2 is expected to be released next month.

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Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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