Who to side with in Destiny 2: Drifter or Vanguard
Make an educated choice by knowing who to side with, the Drifter or the Vanguard, as part of the Decision Point quest in Destiny 2.
The Allegiance quest line in Destiny 2 kicks off with the Decision Point. This is arguably the biggest decision any Destiny player has made since deciding whether they wanted to waste an Exotic on a heavy slot. Players will need to choose whether to side with Drifter or the Vanguard.
While I can’t tell you which one to choose, I can hopefully elucidate you on the pros and cons of each side. So let’s get to figuring out whether to side with the Vanguard or with Drifter.
Who to side with in Destiny 2
There is no “right” side to choose as part of the Decision Point quest in Destiny 2. The path you choose to walk will depend entirely on your personal opinion and your perspective. You may prefer the ideology of one side over the other or you could prefer the unknown or the known.

Siding with the Drifter
Players have only known the Drifter since the release of Destiny 2: Forsaken. He was introduced as a mysterious character with unknown motivations and goals. While players have had limited interaction with him, he has brought about a hot new game mode: Gambit.
Despite only knowing him a short time, the Drifter has proven himself to be extremely resourceful. He has numerous contacts ranging from the Fallen Kell, the Spider, to one of the deeply enigmatic Nine. His usefulness and willingness to survive at all costs could come in handy.
Although he might dabble with things outside of the Light, he understands the dangers. He sees the unwavering followers of the Traveler as brainwashed. His entire perspective of the Traveler, the Guardians, and Ghosts are a direct result of his experiences trying to survive during the Dark Age. He feels this way despite the fact he has a Ghost and is therefore a Guardian such as yourself.
Choosing to side with the Drifter means potentially ignoring the Vanguard, being hunted by the fanatical Aunor, and maybe facing the wrath of Shin Malphur.

Siding with the Vanguard
The Vanguard has been a staple in the life of players since Destiny debuted back in 2014. Though they might not be as active in the field as the player, they hold one tenant close to heart: protect humanity. By siding with the Vanguard, players are choosing the side they have always known, one that has fought for Earth and for the Traveler.
Although the Vanguard has experienced trouble, with Zavala experiencing a kind of PTSD and Ikora an existential crisis, it’s all been because of the onslaught of the Darkness. In the end, thanks to the player, the Vanguard rallied, fought back, and continues to fight for what is right.
Siding with the Vanguard means working with Aunor. This mysterious Warlock is part of the Praxic Order, a sect dedicated to expunging those that would work with the Dark. However, though they draw a hard line, they stick by their rules. If no evidence is found, no action will be taken. Their goal is to avoid a situation where another soul is lost to the Dark, consumed and corrupted.
Choosing to side with the Vanguard means continuing down the path you have walked since Destiny 1. It means being at odds with the Drifter and spying on him for Aunor.
Making a Decision: Drifter or the Vanguard
No matter which side you choose, Drifter or the Vanguard, you can choose the other side on another character. However, the choice you make cannot be undone. Your decision will likely have long, rippling effects on the story – though the extent of these effects is not known.

It’s also important to know that both choices lead a similar path. Both sides experience the same missions, just with some different flavor. However, there are a few small missions in the Vanguard choice that aren’t mirrored in the Drifter’s path. Similarly, those that opt to side with the Drifter will need to complete a few Strikes, while the Vanguard side will not.
Outside of these differences, both sides will have players visiting Spider, traveling to Titan for a quest, playing Crucible and Gambit, and hunting down Drifter’s tapes on the EDZ.
Though the initial choice is drastic, there’s a good chance both sides will finish at the same endpoint, just with different perspectives of the same event.
If you’re still not too sure who you should side with, read over our complete walkthrough of the Decision Point, Allegiance quest. In this guide, we detail every single step, and list most of the flavor text.
Choosing who to side with in Destiny 2, the Drifter or the Vanguard, is no easy feat. Some players may need days to deliberate over whether to stay loyal to the Vanguard or strike out and put your faith in the unknown. No matter what side you choose, own your decision and fight for what you believe is right. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for more helpful articles.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Who to side with in Destiny 2: Drifter or Vanguard