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Just Dance 2014 tracklist is 20% Nicki Minaj so far

Look, I've written for Shacknews for four years so I'm familiar with the demographic. I know that you, dear reader, are probably not hugely excited about Ubisoft annualising the Just Dance series, even if Just Dance 2014's announcement today does confirm another next-gen launch title. But, get this: of the ten songs revealed so far for Just Dance 2014, a whopping 20% are by Nicki Minaj. Oh, now you're interested!

Watch Dogs E3 trailer is jolly nice CGI

No, CGI trailers don't represent gameplay. Yes, they are fluffy marketing to get you unduly excited. But by gum, the cinematic E3 trailer for Ubisoft's open-world cybervigilante 'em up Watch Dogs is awfully pretty, if a bit eerie. We can still enjoy it as an attractive and well-made video for our enjoyment which by pure chance is somehow connected to a video game. Call it tone-setting and world-building, if you must.

Watch Dogs also confirmed for Wii U

Ubisoft had hinted at a Wii U edition of open-world hack 'em up Watch Dogs before, but only formally confirmed it last night alongside the announcement of a PlayStation 4 version. No, obviously it didn't drop this news during Sony's big shindig, but in a press release afterwards.

Ghost Recon Online open beta launched

How would you like to play Ghost Recon for free? Well, that depends on how it's monetised, doesn't it? Ubisoft launched the Ghost Recon Online open beta today at Gamescom, letting all and sundry try the free-to-play multiplayer FPS and judge whether the fun of shooting men outweighs the annoyance of microtransactions.

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier PC delayed again

The PC edition of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier has been delayed by another two weeks, making it arrive five weeks after the console launch. And, as always, Ubisoft has given no explanation for this delay.

Hello, Meet Lola