All Stories Tagged: Online Pass

EA: Online Pass profits didn't balance out reputation damage and player frustration

EA is finally ditching Online Passes so the three-year experiment clearly didn't work out quite as it had hoped, but how bad was it? "The amount of money that we made, it didn't replace the amount of frustration we put on our customers and it didn't offset the reputation damage it caused the company," EA Labels president Frank Gibeau has said at E3. Ah. So quite bad.

Ninja Gaiden 3 uses online pass

As is oh so hip, cool and trendy to do nowadays, Ninja Gaiden 3's publisher Tecmo Koei is locking its online multiplayer away behind a single-use code included with new copies. If you buy a used copy, you'll need to pay extra to cut up your pals.

EA: Online Pass has made $10-15 million

EA's Online Pass scheme has brought in $10-15 million since it launched last year. It wrings money from used games sales by locking multiplayer off behind a single-use code included free with new copies or sold separately for $10.

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