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EVE Online: Odyssey expansion enhancing joys of exploration in June

Space is good because spaceships can shoot each other with lasers in it, but also because good grief it is colossal and amazing and filled with so many things we can scarcely begin to imagine. With that in mind, the next free EVE Online expansion, named Odyssey, will launch on June 4 with a number of shiny new features to make exploring e-space even cooler than it already is.

EVE Online passes 500,000 subscribers

Fantasy MMORPGs may come and go, but dear old EVE Online stands firm, offering something unique and (mostly) not throwing money away lusting after World of Warcraft's crown. Developer CCP today announced that its Internet spaceships MMO has passed 500,000 subscribers for the first time in its almost-ten-year history, making it pretty pleased as it heads into the second decade.

Dust 514 moves to open beta, kicking off '10-year plan'

Today, Dust 514 makes its transition from closed beta to open beta. But what does that really mean? We spoke to CCP executive producer Brandon Laurino about the EVE Online shooter, and their plans for the future--near and far.

Dust 514 open beta launches next week

Now that Dust 514 is all snuggled up alongside EVE Online on one single server, the PlayStation 3-exclusive MMOFPS is almost ready to let everyone in. After six months of a closed beta which players could pay their way into, it'll enter open beta on January 22, so all and sundry can became pawns in someone else's cross-game scheming.

EVE Online seeks fan help for MoMA exhibition

Let's set aside the tedious debate over whether or not games are art and skip to a practical question: how would you display a game as a piece of art? Simply leaving the game running for visitors to play won't mean anything to people who aren't game-literate, especially if it's something complex. EVE Online is facing that problem now, having been selected for the Museum of Modern Art's new permanent video game collection, and is turning to players for help.

Dust 514 to outlive PlayStation 3, says CCP

Dust 514 may outlive the PlayStation 3, as CCP executive producer Jonathan Lander says the team has a 5-year plan for the game, and other ideas that could make it last much longer.

Hello, Meet Lola