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Opinion: Why THQ's canceled Avengers game could still work today
DidYouKnowGaming? released a video over the weekend detailing a canceled Avengers from defunct publisher THQ. Upon watching the video, it's worth wondering whether such an endeavor could still work today.
READ MORE >Guillermo Del Toro 'will never again get involved in video games'
Guillermo Del Toro spoke to Playboy at Comic Con a few weeks back about his future in video game development. Here's what he had to say.
READ MORE >"I bear a Mountains of Madness grudge too. Involving him instantly jacks up the cost of a project ..."
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Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer trailer
Posted May 22, 2013 9:58am PDT - 19,578 viewsTake the fight online and battle the entire world with the Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer modes.
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Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer trailer
Posted Dec 13, 2012 10:47am PST - 23 downloadsTake the fight online and battle the entire world with the Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer modes.
Metro: Last Light Genesis trailer
Posted Dec 11, 2012 7:53am PST - 113 downloadsMetro: Last Light Genesis gameplay trailer. It took God seven days to create the earth and man only one day to destroy it.
"I would have liked to see a world where this game came to see the light of day. Very interesting ..."
- Rice-Rocketeer see all 2 comments