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  • 163,148 Points
  • 41 Posts
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  • 01/28/2005 Registered
About the Author Edit

From the test launch of the NES in New York to 4K gaming in his living room, Bryan Lefler has been immersed in video games his entire life. Battle tested in the arena shooters of the turn of the century yet kind to all animals that may cross him, Bryan enjoys a breadth of games but strives to be the best in any contest of digital skill. He is a former esports competitor and has been part of the Shacknews community for over 15 years. You can also catch him on Skankcore64 streams on the Shacknews Twitch Channel where he plays through the N64 library. Live every Sunday at 2pm PT/5pm ET and Wednesday at 9pm PT/12am ET.



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