Your Menu Vote for Indie-licious April 19 has been prepared

Your Menu Vote for Indie-licious April 19 has been prepared

There are too many tasty indies out there. Chime and place your order on this week's Indie-licious menu to decide what I play!


Every week for Indie-licious, I go shopping for some of the most interesting and new indies I can find out there, and every single week, I end up finding more than a few games I would like to share with everyone. I can't play them all every week, but that doesn't mean I can't share them! I've assembled yet another menu vote of tasty indies for your viewing pleasure. And so the question:

What should I play on April 19's Indie-licious?

The menu is as bountiful as ever for next week's show. Please place your order below for the indie game you'd like to see me play next Monday!

Need a little more info on the menu of tasty indie games I've prepared for you? No problem! Have a look below to find out more about each game.

Fights in Tight Spaces

This is an intensely satisfying looking game from developer Ground Shatter and publisher Mode 7. Fights in Tight Spaces is a deck-building turn-based tactics game, but there's no fantasy-fiction here as we often see in that genre. You are a tuxedo'd martial artist and there are enemies with guns, melee weapons, and their bare hands looking to beat you down. You need to assemble deck of martial arts moves to skillfully and stylishly kick the holy cr*p out of all of them. This game has aesthetic that reminds me of SUPERHOT and CounterSpy, but in a sort of GO format. Very cool looking.

Say No! More

Dubbed the world's first NPG (NO!-Playing Game), Say No! More comes to us from the developers at Studio Fizbin and Thunderful Publishing. It's a game all about saying "No!" when you've had enough. You'll take on the self-help program of saying "No!" and learn to take back control of your life (and lunchbox). You can let loose a gentle "No!", a sarcastic "No!", or the most gargantuan "No!" your body can muster, as well as saying "No!" in a wealth of global styles and languages. The art, music, and concepts in this game look absurdly fun. Even if its the simplest game in the world, it strikes me as something that would be a delight to play on the show. Choosing this game will only be the start. after that it's deciding which languages and styles should we say "No!" in.

Potion Party

RPGames has put together a fun little "cooking style" take on an aspect that no role-playing game can go without... Potions! As an alchemist running a shop, it's your job in Potion Party to supply weary travelers with the concoctions they need to go about their business. Each traveler will come in asking for something different and you'll have manage your frantic lab making sure they get what they need, all while fending off monsters that grow out of your concoctions and thieves trying to steal your ingredients and money. Solo or multiplayer, Potion Party looks like it has that sort of fast-paced ingredient assembly that makes games like Overcooked and Cooking Dash a blast to play.

And that's our menu for April 19! Choose above what you'd like to play and I'll tally the votes and serve up the next indie entry on next Monday's episode of Indie-licious for your viewing pleasure! Did I miss a cool-looking indie game that should be in my votes or on the show? Please! Tell me about it!

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