Happy 20th Anniversary to the Gamecube!

Happy 20th Anniversary to the Gamecube!

Here's a Quick trip down memory lane for one ot the most influential consoles for me as gamer.


Aw the memories

I have alot of nostalgia for the Gamecube. Growing up I was mainly a Nintendo kid after the SNES era having been in a Sega Genesis household. I wore out my N64  and when the Gamecube was announced, I was super excited to get my hands on one that holiday season. It did not disappoint. I still remember loading up Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II and being totally immersed in while flying through space and blowing up the Death Star like it happened yesterday. Today I dusted off my console in a box in the closet just to reminisce about some of the classic games I enjoyed. Games like Super Mario Sunshine, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe and even pouring hours into Phanstasy Star Online comes to mind.


Bring on the scares

Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil REmake had exclusive releases on Gamecube which seems pretty wild nowaday but Capcom was really in their bag with the Nintendo exclusives at the time. Both games were truly a life changing experience for me as I didn't get the opportunity to play Resident Evil on Playstation and missed out on the series up until the point. I only really got to see horror games like Silent Hill 3 by visiting my neighbors and watching them play the creepy stuff. Somehow I convinced my mom to ignore the gamestop employee and let me get these games so +10 charisma goes to kid me for sure.

Gamecube was a party console

Smash Bros Melee was absolutely FIRE and elevated the original Smash Bros formula in every way. I spent a ton of time playing Smash, Mario Kart Double Dash and 007 Nightfire with friends and family. Also shout out to Soul Caibur 2 which let me kick some serious cheeks as Link in a fighting game even if he was pretty cheap.

Lastly, I have to give special shout outs to The Lenged of Zelda The Wind Waker for being so whole heartedly creative and Nintendo taking a chance on a new art style that alot of fans gave them a hard time about. I remember publications showing screenshots of Mario 128 demo footage and all the hype for the Zelda footage that was shown of a mature looking Link with new lighting and graphics at the time but Wind Waker had alot of heart and charm that I still appreciate even now. The soundtrack is awesome and sailing scross the ocean really appealed to my early love for exploration.

The Gamecube had quirks, character, and way smaller discs but also managed to have a major impact on my gaming journey. I could fit it in my backback for sleepovers and it was a good time with friends at a time when I really needed some. Happy Anniversary Gamecube!

From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 14, 2021 8:42 PM

    I loved the Gamecube, here's a quick reflection of why.

    Read more: Happy 20th Anniversary to the Gamecube!

    • reply
      September 14, 2021 9:09 PM

      The GameCube was the only console with konga controllers, making it the greatest game console in history. Don't ask to borrow mine because I will laugh in your face.

      • reply
        September 14, 2021 9:17 PM


        • reply
          September 15, 2021 5:28 AM

          you need more than one for donkey konga. the game really shines when everyone plays their own part correctly. lots of fun syncopation going on.

          i might bust it out for thanksgiving.

      • reply
        September 15, 2021 5:16 AM

        i bought 4 controllers and they’re all stored away for the next time i have 3 others wanting to play 4 player konga.

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        September 15, 2021 6:56 AM

        the konga platforming dk game was amazing. i got rid of my kongas a few years back, and sometimes i think about them wistfully

    • reply
      September 14, 2021 9:31 PM

      Many of the best games oft the 2000s, I'd also argue their best cross between variety and quality on a home console

    • reply
      September 14, 2021 9:32 PM

      Best controller in console history up till that point, and it’s only been improved by knockoffs of its design

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 5:08 AM

      Nintendo games just hold up so well.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 5:18 AM


    • reply
      September 15, 2021 5:26 AM

      i think gamecube is where nintendo really started to delight their customers in unexpected ways, mostly out of necessity to differentiate themself from sony, microsoft, and the past (traditional way of how the console business works).

      tons of people panned windwaker when it was announced. most people ended up loving it, minus the sailing bit.

      people were tired of the games targeted towards kids. those games are highly sought now.

      i’m sure i can come up with one or two more examples at a more normal hour. something around gba connectivity with pacman vs, animal crossing, and zelda.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 5:28 AM

      The Gamecube is where I realized the continual progress of better graphics wasn't what was making games better and better.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 6:57 AM

      Deceptively powerful too. Stuff like Wind Waker and Rogue Leader was impressive.

      • reply
        September 15, 2021 7:12 AM


      • reply
        September 15, 2021 7:22 AM

        Yeah the size was really deceptive for sure

      • reply
        September 15, 2021 1:40 PM

        It was a little beefcake, more performant than the Xbox in some ways while it lacked certain shader features that the Xbox had

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          September 15, 2021 1:45 PM

          It was also the first major console to go with IBM PowerPC. Both the XBox 360 and PS3 went with PPC and was clearly the best choice for the mid-2000s. Unfortunately IBM hit a wall and everyone from Sony to Microsoft to Apple (and even eventually Nintendo) ended up having to abandon it

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 7:06 AM


      • reply
        September 15, 2021 9:15 AM

        yeah, the wavebird was so transformational! i was a broke college student, but went out of my way to get 4 of them because it made playing with friends so much easier

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 7:24 AM

      I firmly believe it was and is the best video game console, I’ll fight anyone about it.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 7:28 AM

      It was a classic. Still have one hooked up to my Trinitron with a couple of Wavebirds.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 8:54 AM

      I still have mine but someone stole that stupid cable at one of my parties in the mid 2000's and I haven't played it since.

    • reply
      September 15, 2021 9:08 AM


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